19 Things You'll Understand If You Feel Like You're Still 16

    They should have given us some mock bills to pay in school.

    1. You can't quite believe you're an adult.

    2. Because you still feel the same as you always have on the inside.

    3. No one ever warned you that one day you'd wake up and be a grown up.

    4. You thought there would be a regeneration process into adulthood.

    5. But it just happened gradually and now you have to pay bills and taxes.

    6. You have to feed yourself three times a day.

    7. Which means you should probably buy yourself some vegetables occasionally.

    8. Sometimes it dawns on you that you don't live with your parents anymore.

    9. You have to remind yourself that this is actually a very good thing.

    10. Every time someone you know is the first to reach a milestone you get freaked out.

    11. You have a mini panic attack every time you see a baby picture on Facebook.

    12. It freaks you out when famous people are younger than you.

    13. You don't actually believe that if you auditioned for the X Factor you'd be put in the oldest category.

    14. You do a lot of scary sums in your head about that fact that if you want to be married by the time you're 30 then you have to meet ~the one~ tomorrow.

    15. The novelty of driving with your friends still hasn't worn off.

    16. When someone calls you "Sir" or "Ma'am" in a shop you get confused.

    17. You still get excited about being able to do grown-up things.

    18. But then it dawns on you that you are now responsible for a cat's life and you feel 16 again.

    19. But then you manage to keep the cat alive, and you realise that you can probably handle this whole grown-up thing.