21 Ways In Which Your Mum Is Actually Your Best Friend

    Ninety-nine per cent of problems seem smaller after having a good cry on the phone to your mum.

    1. As soon you have any kind of problem you text or call her immediately.

    2. And a good cry on the phone to her always makes you feel better.

    3. You feel at your most relaxed in her company.

    4. She knows all your friends' names even if she's never met them.

    5. And you love hearing about all the mum gossip between her friends too.

    6. You'll often choose hanging out with your mum over going out with your friends.

    7. She always says the right thing when you're feeling like a failure of a human.

    8. She can make you really laugh, and you have thousands of in-jokes you can't remember the origin of.

    9. One of your favourite things to do is just follow her around all day helping out with errands.

    10. She's one of your favourite people to go on a trip with.

    11. You feel totally flattered when people tell you you look like your mum.

    12. Whenever either of you achieves anything you are super proud of the other one.

    13. And making her proud is the best feeling in the world.

    14. No story is too boring to tell your mum, because she's interested in every aspect of your life.

    15. You have some things that are just 100 times more fun when you do them with her.

    16. And she's a safe person to vent to if you need a good bitch to get something off your chest.

    17. If you snap at her when you're in a bad mood it doesn't matter because she'll forgive you almost instantly.

    18. She can instantly tell if something's on your mind, and won't quit asking until you tell her.

    19. She's super supportive of whatever life decisions you make, even it means you won't see each other so often.

    20. And all the time you're not together you're in near-constant contact.

    21. Because she really is your best friend.