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22 Things That Happen In The First Year After You Move In With Your S.O.

You tell each other when you have a good poo.

1. When you first moved in it was such a relief not to be constantly moving stuff from one house to another.

2. Even though the actual moving process was incredibly stressful.

3. You thought you'd have way more time together when you moved in.

4. And you do, but it's not when you thought it would be.

5. However well you thought you knew your S.O. you will learn something new about them when you move in together.

6. It's impossible to hide your gross side, so you'll just learn to embrace it.

7. At first it's a shock adding housemate arguing into the mix of regular relationship arguing.

8. But eventually you work it out and become like a well-oiled household chores machine.

9. Most of your arguments will revolve around what to watch on TV and what to have for dinner.

10. And watching an episode of your series without them is basically cheating.

11. There were some things you were slightly terrified of before you moved in together.

12. But now when you have to go to sleep alone it feels weird and the bed feels too big.

13. And other things you never considered are the bane of your lives.

14. What counts as a romantic gesture will change completely.

15. If they're having a bad day, you'll probably end up having a bad day too.

16. You'll know the name of everyone they work with, and pretty much every detail of their day.

When you tell your mans all the tea cause he your best friend too

If something slightly out of the ordinary happens in your day you've probably texted them about it before you get home.

17. Having access to your partner's wardrobe 24/7 is just as amazing as you imagined it would be.

18. Nights in together will become your absolute favourite thing.

19. All your texts will be about running out of toothpaste and what you're going to have for dinner.

20. You'll learn about all your little differences, and realise that sometimes their way is better.

21. You have a whole new language of in-jokes compared to before you lived together.

22. They'll truly become your best friend.