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22 Things That Make All Twentysomethings Feel Old

"Look, Mum, I spent money on something that wasn't booze, clothes, or food."

1. Whenever you walk past some really cool teenagers.

2. When there's a new technology update and you don't understand it.

3. When some new slang comes along and you have no clue what it means.

4. When you see your friends' younger siblings and suddenly they're all grown up.

5. When the clothes you wore when you were 11 are threatening to make a comeback.

6. When you see that people you know from school have had babies.

7. Or when a load of wedding pictures suddenly dominate your timeline.

8. Paying tax.

9. Actually everything about going to the bank.

10. Buying and building your own furniture.

11. When you don't buy the cheapest bottle of wine.

12. And when you don't get ID'd.

13. When famous people are younger than you.

14. When you get super excited about going to bed early.

15. Genuinely feeling excited about things like cushions and throws.

16. Craving healthy food.

17. Cooking something for your friends that isn't pizza.

18. When you suddenly start getting actual hangovers.

19. Counting the years until you're 30.

20. Realising you're over halfway to 40.

21. Remembering what you used to think of twentysomethings when you were a teenager.

22. When you think about where your parents were when they were your age.

But actually it's more important to remember how much of your life lies ahead of you.