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24 Secrets Paramedics Will Never Tell You

Don't even think about calling us ambulance drivers.

1. Every paramedic has a FBUR story. (That's foreign body up rectum.)

2. A lot of paramedics end up dating each other.

3. You will miss so many special occasions.

4. And you can forget about weekends.

5. We really do come as fast as we possibly can.

6. We aren't just "ambulance drivers".

7. In fact to become a paramedic in the UK now you need to do at least a foundation degree.

8. And we're definitely not taxi drivers.

9. We often end up being someone's last resort, and see people who've really been let down by the system.

10. Most of us have been verbally and physically assaulted at work.

11. It's pretty hard to gross us out, as we've seen every bodily fluid imaginable.

12. Blood really doesn't faze us at all.

13. And we're very good at seeing blood outside the body and estimating how much blood has been lost.

14. We don't take everyone we see to hospital.

15. We spend a serious amount of time waiting in hospitals.

16. Not every paramedic drives a van.

17. Ambulances break down A LOT.

18. There's a lot less of us than people think.

19. You don't get to be seen quicker at hospital if you arrive by ambulance, unless it's actually a life-threatening problem.

20. It's impossible not to be affected by the sad parts of our job.

21. One of the hardest parts of our jobs is handing over patients at the hospital.

22. Getting a thank you card really makes our day.

23. But nothing beats finding out you actually saved someone's life.

24. We would really love it if everyone learnt how to use an automatic defibrillator!

BuzzFeed spoke to several UK NHS paramedics for this post.