17 Questions Science Students Have For Arts Students

    How much do you really nap? Are you napping right now?

    1. What do you actually do all day?

    2. Do you get lonely?

    3. Or do you have a secret club where all you art students hang out at 2pm on a Tuesday?

    4. Or do you just wank all day?

    5. Do you actually think your degree is worth the money?

    6. How do you resist the urge to nap?

    7. Why do you still end up pulling all nighters when you have so much time?

    8. Is it because you spend so much time sleeping?

    9. Does having to write essays about fun stuff ruin that thing for you?

    10. Do you actually read ALL of those books you take out of the library?

    11. How much of your social interaction happens at the library?

    12. Do you sometimes talk about your degree for fun?

    13. Are all of your lectures really interesting?

    14. Do you ever wonder how useful your degree will be if the apocalypse comes?

    15. Do you look down on some art subjects you consider to be easier than yours?

    16. Do you look at us in wonder every day as we go to our 9am lectures?

    17. Do you think science students are all geniuses?