24 Cats That Can Relate To Your Human Feelings

    Because cats have problems too.

    1. This cat, who knows how you feel when you make a big mistake at work.

    2. This cat knows how you feel when someone suggests something totally idiotic.

    3. This cat knows how you feel when you're at brunch and you see the waiter bringing your food over.

    4. This cat knows how you feel when you've had a bad day and you just need to eat a whole tub of ice cream, OK?

    5. This cat knows how you feel when your friend is really pumped for a road trip, but you're just worried about their driving.

    6. This cat knows how you feel when you have to wear something stupid for someone else's hen night, and it makes you feel like a total twat.

    7. This cat knows how you feel when your friend is taking a selfie in the club, but then the beat drops.

    8. This cat knows how you feel when you spot a total hottie at the bar.

    9. This cat knows how you feel when you get yourself in a sticky situation.

    10. These cats know how you feel when you've had one too many and you're not quite sure how you're going to get home.

    11. This cat knows how you feel when you're at the pub and someone suggests getting some chips to share.

    12. This cat knows how you feel when you suggest getting takeaway, and then your housemate says, "oh we shouldn't really."

    13. This cat knows how you feel when you send the "I can't come, I think I'm coming down with something." text, when actually you feel fine.

    14. This cat knows how you feel when you're really hungover, and then someone suggests leaving the house.

    15. This cat knows how you feel when your friend makes a really gross dinner, but you have to eat it anyway because you are a polite human.

    16. These cats know how you feel when your whole squad showed up and you all look fierce.

    17. This cat knows how you feel when half your squad bailed and the other half are only having one because they've got a big day tomorrow.

    18. This cat knows how you feel when bae comes home from work and they are looking fine.

    19. This cat knows how you feel when your Tinder date had much better chat online.

    20. This cat knows how you feel when what you want in life is just out of reach.

    21. This cat knows how you feel when your housemate forgot to buy milk, AGAIN!

    22. This cat knows how you feel when your friend says they actually really like Nickleback.

    23. This cat knows how you feel when Netflix asked you if you want to continue watching, but it's too cold to lift your arm outside the covers.

    24. This cat knows how you feel when you wake up, and then you realise it's Saturday.