12 Comics About Boobs That Only People With Boobs Will Truly Get

    Gravity can do some weird things.

    1. That we don't all have melons; some of us have sock puppets, or mosquito bites, or sandbags, or jelly pyramids.

    2. That people who work in bra shops have unrealistic expectations.

    3. That sometimes you reach for your old friend: stretched-out-greying sports bra.

    4. That some boobs just don't behave themselves.

    5. And that gravity plays some weird tricks.

    6. That there is a high potential for bra disasters.

    7. That your hands can squish your boobs in ways no bra could ever manage.

    8. That women's clothes lack in pockets, but bras make up for that.

    9. That bikinis are bras' evil cousins.

    10. That taking off your bra after a long day is the best feeling in the world.

    11. That the world seems to have this weird thing about women's nipples.

    12. That sometimes your boobs just look great, and you can't help but notice.