18 British Beer Gardens That Failed So Hard They Aren't Even Really Gardens

    If the sun is out we WILL drink outside. Even if it's in a car park.

    1. The idea of sitting inside when it's above 20ºC in Britain is practically treason.

    2. Pubs will go to great lengths to keep our custom during the summer.

    3. The problem is in our small country, not blessed with sunshine, pubs tend to not have much outside space.

    4. Luckily some bin stores are pretty spacey.

    5. It's an actual law that every pub must have some flimsy plastic furniture to shove somewhere, just in case the sun does come out.

    6. These plastic chairs have been earning the nation £250 a pop from You've Been Framed for generations.

    7. And branded umbrellas are an absolute necessity, even if your "garden" is actually in a shed.

    8. This one is a classic example of utilising street furniture as part of your "garden".

    9. If your local has a car park, a couple of pot plants is sure to turn that thing into a tranquil place to drink.

    10. The iconic design of the picnic bench can give atmosphere to any outdoor space.

    11. No pollution level is too high.

    12. We're very lucky to be able to drink in the street in most places in Britain, so shove some furniture on it and it's a "garden" for sure.

    13. This is definitely a garden! Just needs a lil' trim.

    14. Propping open emergency fire exits is just part of the clever thinking that means most pubs can rustle up a "garden" for summer.

    15. Good parking is a must for most pubs.

    16. This might just look like two stools in a cycle lane, but in fact it offers the atmosphere of any European plaza.

    17. This one is a classic car park / garden mash-up.

    18. And if you haven't quite put a roof on your pub yet, then that's definitely a garden.