16 Struggles Admin Know All Too Well

    The Struggle Is Real Y'all!

    In honor of #NationalAdminDay here are 16 things you should probably just stop doing immediately (or at least for today).

    1. This. This right here.

    2. Also, all of that.

    3. Okay, this too.

    4. Every bit of this.

    5. Scheduling = The. Bane. Of. Your. Existence.

    6. Error: 0x000loadthedangprinter035

    7. Dairy Godmother.

    8. Two words: Expense. Reports.

    9. Phones are hard.

    10. Unsolved mysteries.

    11. EA ≠ PA

    12. Utensil hoarders.

    13. The operator.

    14. Technology. Nothing in particular. Just all of it.

    15. Things that make you go hmmm...

    16. And finally, booger monsters?

    Have you hugged your admin today?

    Have some 😱 moments of your own? Share them in the comments.