22 Universal Annoyances That Everyone Has 100% Experienced


    1. When you put cereal back in a bag and it creates a bulge in the middle of the box.

    2. When shampoo/conditioner/soap bottles fall off the shelf while you're showering and make an incredibly LOUD noise.

    3. When you try to pull down your window blinds and they do the thing where they get uneven on one side.

    4. When you try and spread a piece of cold-ass butter on soft bread.

    5. When you're washing your hands and water gets on your sleeve.

    6. When you're taking a dump and water splashes up your booty.

    7. When the TV internet kicks you off and you have to use your remote to type in a long-ass password.

    8. When you're wearing socks and step on something wet on your floor.

    9. When you put a blip of toothpaste on your toothbrush but it falls into the sink before it reaches your mouth.

    10. When you're singing along and your music stops playing for some reason and you hear how terrible you actually sound.

    11. When you're zipping up a coat and the zipper doesn't catch and does that FUCKING GAP THING.

    12. When someone at the grocery store is in front of the item you need and you have to pretend to look at something else until they leave.

    13. When you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket, check it, and then realize you have 0 notifications.

    14. When your earbuds get caught on something and rip out of your ear.

    15. When you can't hear the TV because the chips you're eating are too loud.

    16. When someone holds the door open for you when you're really far away, so you have to fucking power walk to the door.

    17. When you think you got a good deal online shopping and then look at the shipping and tax price.

    18. When part of your cuticle skin is dangling all nasty-like and is also REALLY PAINFUL.

    19. When your shoes make a weird squeaking noise while walking in a quiet, public area.

    20. When any loud, flying bug flies right by your ear.

    21. When you wake up FIFTEEN MINUTES before your alarm is set to go off.

    22. And finally, when your phone falls down the crack in your seats while you're driving.