16 Times Maisie Williams Proved She Was A Gift The Internet Didn't Deserve

    Happy birthday, Maisie!

    1. Maisie Williams plays the intimidating Arya Stark on Game of Thrones, but in real life she's actually the opposite of intimidating.

    2. For instance, she's got a A+ sense of humor.

    3. And she was EXCEPTIONAL at Vine (RIP).

    4. She's not afraid to pull off a good joke, like when she wore the Sansa wig.

    5. Or when she pulled this great April Fools’ prank.

    6. She's got amazing comebacks.

    7. She's not afraid to call out interviewers on their bullshit, like when she was asked if she ever felt jealous of Sophie Turner.

    8. And she generously gives out fantastic beauty advice.

    Learn to love them 😍🥰 xxxxx https://t.co/2z1QsgPHWv

    9. She can rock a pink poncho like nobody else.

    10. And to be honest, she's incredibly relatable.

    With Game of Thrones coming to an end I find myself looking to the future and honestly I just can’t wait to grow up and settle down in a big house with loads of dogs x

    11. She's the absolute sweetest to her fans.

    12. I mean, THE SWEETEST. She even surprised a group of fans who were watching the final episode of Season 5 by showing up at their apartment with snacks!

    13. She's the master of accents and impressions.

    14. But most importantly, she's not afraid to speak her truth and dole out sincere life advice.

    15. She's cool, confident, and talented — what more can we ask for?!

    16. Happy birthday to the queen of rocking pink and purple hair!