16 Things Only Competitive People In A Relationship Can Relate To


    1. Your partner was introduced to your dark side the first time you both participated in a "friendly" game night.

    2. You're constantly challenging them to mini races (and winning most of them, because duh).

    3. Your partner is terrified of riding in the car with you because you drive like you're playing a game of Mario Kart.

    4. Your significant other always teams up with you because they know better than to suffer the repercussions.

    5. They've woken up the next morning to you still trying to beat the next level of Candy Crush.

    6. You've forced your partner to commit to one grocery store so you can win big.

    7. You always win the "I love you more" game.

    8. The words "calm down, it's just a game" basically equals no sex for weeks.

    9. Your partner has learned that "casual jogging" always turns into a marathon.

    10. They refuse to watch football with you when your favorite team is playing.

    11. Your partner made the wise decision to be an onlooker to your traditional family Easter egg hunts.

    12. You secretly strive to be better than your partner's exes.

    13. No matter how many times you've begged, your significant other won't let you join their recreational sports team.

    14. Your partner has come to realize "wanna bet?" are your trigger words.

    15. They love you despite having seen your inner-demon reveal itself during Black Friday shopping.

    16. They've learned to let you make up your own rules when playing board games rather than argue with you.

    But at the end of the day, despite how aggressively competitive you are, they should be grateful they ended up with a winner instead of a loser.