15 Things You'll Only Experience If You've Done Historical Reenacting


    1. Feeling like a baller when you get to fire the cannon.

    2. Watching someone get in trouble for breaking impersonation.


    3. Eating meals that are 100% authentic to a certain time period.

    4. Getting weird looks when you walk into Starbucks at the end of the day while still in costume.

    5. Rolling your eyes when the public is only interested in watching a battle.

    6. Realizing that your closet is 70% historical clothing and 30% normal clothing.

    7. Being jealous of the officers because they always got the cool weapons.

    8. Scoffing at reenactors who are there for shooting guns and couldn't care less about authenticity.

    9. Walking past an open field and imagining how *perfect* it'd be for a battle scene.

    10. Getting in heated debates over vague parts of history.

    11. Washing your historical clothing by hand because they didn't have washing machines in 1776.

    12. Constantly encouraging market speech that's appropriate to your time period.

    13. Spotting that *one person* who always gets a little too tipsy after hours during fireside.

    14. Feeling pimped out as hell in your historically accurate costuming.

    15. But most importantly, looking forward to events because your continuous love for history is just one of the reasons why you do reenacting.