21 Times Sophie Turner Proved That She Is Not Only A Queen But A Goddamn Style Icon


    Hello, dear friends. If you don't already know, THIS is Sophie Turner. She plays the badass Sansa Stark on Game of Thrones.

    And THIS is Sophie Turner in real life, minus all the fur. Not only is she stunning, funny, and personable, but she is a goddamn style icon and I'm about to prove it to you.

    1. First of all, she can pull off almost ANY look. I mean, just look at her casually rocking denim like a rodeo princess.

    2. She's also unafraid of rocking a bold, printed jumpsuit seen here at this year's Billboard Music Awards.

    3. Pattern on pattern is NEVER too much for Sophie. In fact, she embraces it!!!! AND LOOKS INCREDIBLE.

    4. Here she is at 2017's Coachella, proving to all that you can make even the simplest outfits look FASHUN. Also, I am living for the pink in her hair!!!

    5. She also makes a striped one piece swimsuit look glamorous as hell.

    6. And I can't go without mentioning her red carpet look for the Season 8 Game of Thrones premiere. HER DRESS IS EVERYTHING. AND SO IS THAT SMOKEY EYE!!!!

    7. She can AB-SO-LUTELY rock a glittery dress.

    8. But she also makes a sweater look amazing?!?! Paired with leather pants??!? IT. IS. A. LOOK.

    9. Honestly, what CAN'T she do? Here she is looking ready for the runway in sweats.

    10. And can we all just take a moment to admire the detail of her jacket? It's GORGEOUS.

    11. She rocks the thigh high boots look like it's NO BIG DEAL.

    12. I mean, she even makes plain black pants look magical.

    13. Yes, I know there is a world famous landmark in the background, but the real showstopper in this photo is her incredible little black dress!

    14. There isn't a color she doesn't slay. She looks PHENOMENAL in blue...

    15. ...green...

    16. ...and magenta!!!!

    17. And our girl is a QUEEN at accessorizing. Just look at how this necklace completes her look!!! NOT OVER IT.

    18. Just feast your eyes on this amazing plaid look from 2014!!!

    19. And this simple yet unique dress that adds a fantastic pop of color and pattern! YES.

    20. Also, I'm 1000% still not over this masterpiece of a dress.

    21. Sophie, you are an icon. A fashionista. An inspiration. A taker of risks. And we are living for it. 🔥🔥🔥

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