15 Pictures That Are Way Too Real If You're A Slow Eater

    Are you done yet?

    1. You refuse to scarf down your meal, so your food gets put on hold when you have shit to get done.

    2. You're familiar with staring across at your friend's empty plate while you've barely made a dent in your own.

    3. But sometimes everyone else gets bored and tired of waiting for you and you're left all alone.

    4. You prefer not to have your sluggish eating routine called out.

    5. You get annoyed when someone's going in for seconds because YOU ALSO WANT SECONDS but you're still on your first piece.

    6. You're personally offended when you're told to hurry up.

    7. You're constantly reheating your food because it gets cold before you're done with it.

    8. And your coffee...

    9. ...but you truly have the hardest time with things that MELT before you finish them.

    10. You've come up with a million excuses to defend your actions...

    11. ...but your friends will still find ways to poke fun at you.

    12. You take pride when you break new records.

    13. You've been out with a big group of people where you're the LAST person everyone's waiting on.

    14. People have joked that you'll have to bury them before you're finished.

    15. However, true friends will alway support your slow eating habits — and that's really beautiful.