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    The 14 Stages Of Getting Your Period That Everyone With A Period Can Relate To

    Certainly you're familiar with the "Is that discharge or am I bleeding?" phase.

    Stage 1: The "Painfully Pesky Period Pimples" Phase

    Stage 2: The "Crying Over All the TV Commercials" Phase

    Stage 3: The "Give Me Sweats or Give Me Nothing" Phase

    Stage 4: The "Bigger Boobs — but at What Cost?" Phase

    Stage 5: The "Cookie Monster" Phase

    Stage 6: The "Is That Discharge or Am I Bleeding?" Phase

    Stage 7: The "I've Never Been This Backed Up in My Life" Phase

    Stage 8: The "Terrible, No Good, Very Bad First Cramp" Phase

    Stage 9: The "I'm Here, Bitch" Phase

    Stage 10: The "I'm Going to Take 12 Naps" Phase

    Stage 11: The "I'm Flowing Like a River" Phase

    Stage 12: The "Just End Already" Phase

    Stage 13: The "Oh, You Thought I Was Done?!" Phase

    Stage 14: The "See You Next Month" Phase