18 People Who Were Maybe Chefs In Another Life, But Not This One

    This is a disgrace.

    1. The person who created this, uh, interesting experiment:

    2. And the person who spent time and effort creating these:

    3. The person who thought a dessert ramen would be tasty:

    4. And the person who Jell-O molded things that should never, ever be Jell-O molded:

    5. The person who decided to turn everything green:

    6. And the person who believed that this infusion would be appetizing:

    7. The person who made this sandwich:

    8. And the person who created this tragedy:

    9. The person who made this vegetable pizza:

    10. And the person who made some interesting choices with this sandwich:

    11. The person who made an attempt at frozen meal sushi:

    12. And the person who decided hot dogs needed to be in a pie:

    13. The person who made this sad, sad pizza:

    14. And the person who invented this carb-overload sushi:

    15. The person who really put in some effort with this mold:

    16. And the person who invented a new kind of ramen:

    17. The person who is technically eating their daily veggies:

    18. And finally, the person who considers this a delicious snack:

    H/T r/shittyfoodporn