14 Hilarious Images That'll Make You Laugh Way Too Hard

    God bless the internet.

    1. This person who discovered that the baked potato option on their microwave looks like a poo with sunglasses.

    2. This unfortunate typo.

    3. This extremely specific birthday card.

    4. This person's whipped cream that oddly resembles a naked woman carrying a baby.

    5. This box who really doesn't give a shit.

    6. This person who won Valentine's Day.

    7. This dog who went missing only to have the neighbor find him chillin' in the pool.

    8. The man who wrote down the list of reasons his wife had a cry.

    9. Just... this.

    10. This incredible sign.

    11. These parents who made a mistake but rolled with it.

    12. This employee who had too much fun with the sale signs.

    13. This accurate depiction of the last 15 years.

    14. And finally, this artwork in Taco Bell that was hung the wrong way.