17 Discontinued Snacks From The '80s, '90s, And '00s That Are Officially Back

    Eggo cereal? Cheez Balls? What a time to be alive.

    1. Cheez Balls were discontinued in 2006. (Which was a real tragedy. Who doesn't love a good Cheez Ball?) However, Planters brought them back into our lives in 2018! Honestly, Cheetos don't quite cut it like these do.

    2. Dunkaroos vanished without a trace in the early '10s, but we get to welcome them back into our lives and our stomachs THIS SUMMER and relive one of the greatest parts of being a '90s kid.

    3. In 2006, Kellogg's debuted Eggo cereal. Waffles in a bowl? SIGN ME UP. But this cereal was discontinued in 2012. Recently, in December of 2019, Kellogg's brought it back! I actually saw it on the shelves last week, so go run and get you some.

    4. Oreo O's — the cookie cereal of our dreams — first launched in 1997 and then was discontinued in 2007. In 2017, 10 years later, they came BACK, baby!

    5. Wonderballs came out in the '90s but were discontinued in 1997. They officially came back in 2017, so you can go freely relive the glorious days of your childhood while singing, "What's in a Wonderball?!"

    6. In 1999, the world was introduced to Crispy M&M's, which were then discontinued in 2005. However, they made that sweet comeback in 2015! Yum.

    7. While Lunchables dessert options were popular toward the end of the '90s, they came back — somewhat — in 2018. The snack went through a little bit of a rebranding and you sadly cannot find the brownie one anymore, but the others are still out there if you want a sweet, sweet taste of childhood.

    8. Introduced in 1995, String Things were FIRE. Like, they had no nutritional value of any kind, but they were fun as hell to eat. While Betty Crocker's version doesn't exist anymore (RIP), there is a knock-off version that just might satisfy your taste buds.

    9. Pssst, let me tell you a secret: Quaker Dinosaur Eggs oatmeal was never discontinued, though a lot of '90s babies seemed to think it was. The only sister product that was discontinued was Quaker's Safari Animals oatmeal. So, run to your nearest store to enjoy some dino in your life.

    10. It seems there was PERHAPS an internet myth that Trix yogurt was discontinued. I searched high and low online and never found anywhere that confirmed it — I did, however, find out that most stores stopped stocking it. So, if you wanna grab this nostalgic yogurt, you're gonna have to buy it from General Mills or pay a hefty price on Amazon!

    11. In 2005, Kellogg's introduced Gripz: a Polly Pocket–sized version of their snacks wrapped up in one handheld tube. This is another snack on the list of things that many people thought were discontinued (including me, who ate them ALL THE TIME), but they actually never were. So, you know, enjoy!

    12. The popular '90s drink, Surge, was discontinued in 2003, but Coca-Cola brought it back in 2014. It's been six years, so you might have known this information, but here it is in case you didn't!

    13. You may or may not have noticed that Mother's Circus Animal cookies were briefly off shelves in 2008. After the original company closed due to an accounting scandal, Kellogg's was approved to buy Mother's and re-released them in 2009!

    14. French Toast Crunch was a '90s cereal introduced in 1995, but it was sadly discontinued in 2006. Luckily for all us French toast lovers — it's been back on the shelves since 2014!

    15. Crystal Pepsi was never seen on shelves after 1994 and then, BAM BABY, it was back in 2018! It was a long wait, but for sure worth it.

    16. Kid Cuisine was introduced at the beginning of the '90s and is still kickin' it today! However, some varieties of the dinners have been discontinued. RIP, but you can still eat that weird jiggly pudding if you so desire!

    17. Finally, the sugary "Squeezit" drink that was beloved in the '90s left grocery store shelves officially in 2012. However, in the UK, they apparently still sell them under the name "Squeeze It." There are no faces on the bottles, which is a bit of a bummer. If you live in the US and want a sweet, sweet sip of a Squeezit again, Kool-Aid has made their own version — so there's that!