16 Expert Burn-Out-Fighting Tips For Anyone Who Can't Just Quit Their Job

    Quitting isn't always the answer.

    So you're over it. But, as you've probably already figured out, quitting your job is easier said than done.

    If you're not in a position to quit your job, you may be asking yourself exactly how you're going to make it work. I asked the founders of the recruitment agency, Monday Talent, for their advice.

    But first, what exactly is burnout?

    Sound like you? Here's how to cope when you have a bad case of burnout but can't just quit your job:

    1. Burnout is often caused by unresolved or untreated stress, so the first step is to face that feeling head on (as uncomfortable as that sounds).

    2. Once you've got it in your sights, try and identify the root cause of your stress.

    3. Talk it out with a friend, family member, or therapist.

    4. Then, have a sit down with your boss. (Trust me, unless they are a very foolish fool, they'd rather hear this than lose you or have to deal with your lack of productivity down the road.)

    5. Rope in your colleagues (especially if your boss is unsupportive).

    6. Step back and organize your tasks and your time. Not great at that? Ask for help.

    7. Start saying no.

    8. Burn off some steam through exercise or check in with yourself.

    9. Make time each day to get outside.

    10. Up your sleep quota.

    11. Make sure you have a life outside of work.

    12. Give yourself set work breaks (and actually you take them).

    13. It can be tricky, but do what you need to do to separate your work life and home life.

    14. That means TURNING OFF your notifications.

    15. And even — gasp! — taking time away from your phone and computer.

    16. And finally, know when it's actually time to quit your job.

    Are you experiencing burnout in your life? Share how you've been feeling and any tips that have helped you in the comments.

    And for more posts about work and money, like how shrinkflation is making you pay more for less at the grocery store or people's real office gossip that is honestly surprisingly juicy, check out the rest of our personal finance posts