15 Ways That TV And Movies Lied To Us About Marriage

    "Getting married doesn't magically change your whole personality!"

    We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us about the lies TV shows and movies tell us about marriage. Here's what they said:

    1. When serious issues, and even the possibility of divorce, come out of nowhere.

    2. When couples get married and it fixes all their problems.

    3. That all married couples want kids, and that all women have baby fever and eventually win over their reluctant male partners.

    4. That married couples don't have normal problems like paying their bills.

    5. When married couples don't seem to like each other at all.

    6. When one or both parties become completely different people after getting married.

    7. When couples get married during/right after high school and actually stay together.

    8. When a woman is doing her husband "a favor" by having sex with him.

    9. When a woman is portrayed as a bossy and needy authority who impedes her husband from doing anything he wants.

    10. When couples don't communicate about big purchases.

    11. When one partner is in charge and is basically a parent to the other.

    12. When spouses share every single thing and stop being their own person.

    13. When married couples don't have conversations about what's bothering them and it escalates into a giant argument.

    14. When in-laws hate their kids' partners and vice versa.

    15. And when couples go to great lengths to hide things from their partners.

    Are there any other things TV and movies tell us about marriage that just aren't true? Sound off in the comments below!