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    7 Cutting Techniques You Need To Know If You Eat Way Too Much Fruit

    If you have never sliced your finger opening an avocado, you are not human.

    Cutting fruit is literally the worst.

    Fruit #1: The Orange Rollout

    1. Slice the top and bottom edges off the orange.

    2. Stand the orange upright and cut a slit along one of the segments through the center.

    3. Pull the orange apart and stretch the skin flat.

    Now you only look like an idiot when you want to.

    Fruit #2: The Avocado Pull & Peel

    1. Cut the avocado on all four sides, rolling your knife from top to bottom and cutting through to the pit.

    2. Pull each segment off the pit.

    3. Slide your finger between the skin and the meat of the avocado and it will peel right apart.

    Fruit #3: The Mango Cup Cutter

    1. Cut the mango on all four sides of the pit.

    2. Hold a piece of mango in your hand and slide down the length of a water glass.

    Fruit #4: The Strawberry Straw

    1. Press a straw through the bottom point of the strawberry to the top.

    Continue eating strawberries forever.

    Fruit #5: The Kiwi Spoon

    1. Trim the top and bottom of your kiwi.

    2. Sit the kiwi up and slide a spoon along the seam of the skin.

    Fruit #6: The Banana Flip

    1. Peel from the BOTTOM.

    Get back to gently and lovingly eating your favorite fruit.

    Fruit #7: The Watermelon Criss-Cross

    1. Cut the watermelon in half.

    2. Cut across the watermelon in long strips both vertically and horizontally.

    The skin acts as a neat watermelon-holder instead of an impediment to your eating pleasure.

    Now we can stop eating our watermelon like peasants.

    Check out the full video here.

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