31 Things Every Human Being Has Fantasized About

    If you say you haven't thought about doing these things at least once, you are LYING.

    1. Running a red light that's taking too long to change.

    2. Kicking the ever loving shit out of a mugger.

    3. Talking back to your boss.

    4. Punching someone—anyone—in the face.

    5. Casually saving someone's life.

    6. Meeting your favorite celebrity and totally hitting it off with them.

    7. Shoplifting when something costs more than it should.

    8. Going up to an attractive person and suavely chatting them up.

    9. Driving on the shoulder to avoid traffic.

    10. Telling that obnoxiously loud person on public transportation to STFU.

    11. Quitting your job, going off the grid, and living off the land like nature intended.

    12. Telling off a cat-caller.


    13. Running into your ex when you look like a million bucks.

    14. Silencing your neighbor's unruly animal.

    15. Silencing disorderly children on airplanes and in movie theaters.

    16. Smashing things.

    17. Giving a homeless man a thousand dollars.

    18. Slamming on your brakes when someones following too closely behind you.

    19. Rear-ending people who cut you off.

    20. Splashing a drink in someone's face.

    21. Cutting in line.

    22. Diner Ditching.

    23. Flipping a table.

    24. Starting a food fight.

    25. Keying a poorly parked car.

    26. Swimming in an obscene amount of money.

    27. Touching a priceless work of art at a museum.

    28. Kicking down a door.

    29. Liberating a loud talker from his phone.

    30. Stealing food off another diner's plate when you're waiting for your meal at a restaurant.

    31. Delivering the world's greatest comeback to your arch nemesis in a public setting.