26 Very Wholesome Things That Will Fill You With Warmth And Light

    So pure, so wholesome.

    1. This team project:

    if both basketball teams just worked together they could score so many more points

    2. This friendly note:

    3. This attentive host:

    4. This shout out:

    We can say whatever we want about the Amish on here and they'll never know! I'll start: They're very good woodworkers.

    5. This compliment:

    “@NatalieBise: I'm really proud of my lasagna. I think @GordonRamsay would approve of it. ”looks great natalie

    6. This school spirit:

    7. This beautiful moment:

    8. This simple concept:

    She can't catch you cheating if you don't cheat

    9. This switcharoo:

    10. This sequel:

    11. This amazing name:

    12. These BFFs:

    13. This hopeless romantic:

    at my job orientation they were going over the shoplifting procedure and this burley iraq vet guy said "what if a customer steals our heart"

    14. This happy dad:

    15. This caretaker:

    16. This liar:

    17. This hype man:

    Some baby on this plane is singing the ABCs all out of order and a guy just shouted "yes girl remix!!"

    18. This new pet dad:

    My grandpa just got a new dog and had his caregiver take pictures of him to send to me 😭😭😭

    19. This perfect party:


    20. This well wisher:

    A trailer in a movie theater ended with "November 20th" and a guy loudly said, "thats my birthday" and a random guy said "happy birthday"

    21. This sincere selfie stick review:

    22. These peace makers:

    our cats had a fight and my parents are trying to make them resolve it lol

    23. These wise words:

    best advice from my dad: "you believed in Santa for 8 years, you can believe in yourself for 10 seconds"

    24. This trio:

    Our principal told these two boys that their jeans was nice so they went back to the mall and got him a pair too...

    25. These new friends:

    A full bottle of wine just rolled out from under a subway seat and now these 2 strangers popped it open & are drink… https://t.co/H6lH2x47Vr

    26. And this gentle reminder: