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Here's A Bunch Of Reasons Thanksgiving Is The Only Good Holiday

So pure, so chill, so good.

Excuse me, I have something to say.

Thanksgiving is the only good holiday.

OK, hear me out, you Christmas kooks! Thanksgiving is the only holiday where the expectation is to EAT FOOD and DO NOTHING ELSE.

There's no gift-giving anxiety, like on Christmas.

There's no competition to have an epic time, like on New Years or the Fourth of July.

It's not overly patriotic, it's not religious, it's not somber. It's just a chill-ass day.

Naps are literally encouraged. Naps! What other holiday has that?

You can spend it with family or with friends! You can volunteer with strangers! You can ignore it completely! You can literally do whatever you want!

And in some cases, you get the day AFTER Thanksgiving off for free. A two-day holiday?! Lick my butt, Christmas!

So to review: All ya gotta do is eat. There are no expectations. Anyone can celebrate it. And sometimes you get a four day weekend out of it.

Oh, and there's pie.

Yeah. Thanksgiving is the best holiday.