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21 Signs Being Ladylike Is Not Your Forte

Apparently you were absent the day everyone else learned how to do it.

1. This is the closest to an updo you get:

2. You can't seem to get the hang of makeup.

3. You aren't sure how you're supposed to behave in a dress.

4. Walking in heels requires all of your mental effort.

5. Painting your nails with your non-dominant hand makes you wonder why anyone ever trusted you with nail polish in the first place.

6. You sometimes forget you're wearing a skirt and accidentally flash the world your valuables.

7. Your dance moves are too awesome for others to handle.

8. You never learned how to flirt.

9. You're never really concerned about your appearance .

10. You're not afraid to say how you feel.

11. You hate being doted on.

12. You prefer descriptive language over self-censorship.

13. You skip the pink wine and go straight for the hard stuff.

14. Bras are your No. 1 enemy.

15. When people start talking about having a spa day your first reaction is to bail.

16. You believe the most important part of eating is EATING not decorum.

17. Going to the mall generally bums you out.

18. The color pink gives you a headache.

19. You've never understood the point of purses.

20. Other girls love getting dolled up. You consider it a hassle.

21. And you're not afraid to remind people that not being a lady doesn't mean you're not a woman.