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18 Things Couples Who Have Been Together Forever Are Tired Of Hearing

Ask me when we're getting married one more time.

1. "Aren't you worried you're missing out?"

2. "I'd get so sick of being with the same person for a long time."

3. "Come on. You must wish you were single sometimes."

4. "I'm too independent to be in a relationship."

5. "Most animals aren't monogamous, you know. It's a social construct."

6. "Do you do everything together?"

7. "How long have you been together?"

8. "You're soooooo lucky to not be dating right now."

9. "Dating is the worst."

10. "I hate dating."

11. "Have you ever broken up and gotten back together?"

12. "Do you ever fight?"

13. "Who's your one celebrity freebie?"

14. "You must fantasize about other people, though."

15. "Do you get crushes?"

16. "Do you ever run out of things to talk about?"

17. "When are you two getting married?"

18. "How long do you think you'll be together?"