17 Pics That Will Make People With Raynaud's Say "YUP!"

    Happy winter season!!! Not.

    1. "Oh this? This is just a magic trick my fingers do when it gets a little cold out."

    2. "Haha, no, I'm not transforming into a snow zombie, but thanks for asking!"

    3. "Nothing to worry about, it's just my blood rushing to my heart because my body thinks I'm freezing to death."

    4. "Whoopsie-daisy. My fingers turned black again."

    5. "Hmm, is it a teensy bit chilly in here or is it just my ring finger?"

    6. "Wow, you hold a cold drink for too long and next thing you know you've got yeti hands. C'est la vie!"

    7. "Does anyone have a spare pair of gloves? I know it's 64 degrees outside, Sharon, you don't have to remind me."

    8. "Wouldja look at that! My feet are doing it too!"

    9. "Do they hurt? Hahaha. Ha. Ha. Yes."

    10. "Just counting the seconds until my normal hands come back."

    11. 🎶 "Coldfiiinger! He's the man, the man with the icy touch." 🎶

    12. "It may look like I'm dead, but the excruciating pain in my fingertips reminds me that I'm not."

    13. "SEXY, RIGHT?!"

    14. "Wishing I were closer to a volcano right about now, hbu?"

    15. "NO BIG DEAL! Just a little capillary misfiring! TYPICAL TUESDAY!"

    16. "Oh, I'm fine. Really. Totally fine."

    17. 👋 "Byyyeee! See ya in the jacuzzi."