We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    43 Kitchen Products You Won't Even Have To Think Twice About Buying

    Not to flex on Starbucks and Costco, but this homemade egg bite maker is about to knock theirs out of orbit.

    1. A cult-favorite round ice cube tray set (complete with a bucket to hold the ice) to give you *the* most aesthetically pleasing, perfectly shaped ice orbs to elevate everything from your iced coffee to your lunch seltzer to your evening cocktails. Reviewers also love that these fit perfectly in water bottles! 

    Ice tray full of small sphere shaped ice cubes with a clear bucket
    Reviewer holding small sphere of ice

    Promising review: "Worth every penny. I hit a wall with my ice trays always breaking, hard to get ice out, empty too quick. I splurged on this set and am really impressed. I already have a bin (which it comes with) full of ice and two back ups freezing. And the little scoop is fun as heck. Highly recommend if you don't have an ice maker!" —Kascidy Badon

    Get it from Amazon for $20.69+ (available in four colors). 

    2. A breakfast sandwich maker that simultaneously cooks an egg, toasts bread, warms precooked meat, and melts cheese into the perfect sammie in less than five minutes. Dunkin' whomst??? 

    The sandwich maker
    reviewer holding egg sandwich

    Promising review: "Single best appliance I own. My boyfriend sent me this sort of as a joke; we both thought it was both ridiculous and brilliant to have a McMuffin maker in your house. And then I tried cooking with it for the first time. Holy crap, it's AMAZING. I ended up using frozen waffles for the bread; you have to trim them just a tad, but they are the perfect amount of crispy. I love experimenting with this, and have built some truly amazing sandwiches. Waffles, eggs, avocado, Swiss, and ham. Waffles, egg, corn salsa, jack cheese. If you can fit it into the rounds, you can make a sandwich with it. The panel under the egg slides out easily and cleanly when the egg is cooked (I find four minutes is perfect for cooked eggs with runny yolks), and the whole middle section can simply be tossed in the dishwasher." —Elizabeth Joy Weaver

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in five colors).

    3. A foaming garbage disposal cleaner you can plop into your sink, run a little water on, and let its blue magic fizz its way up to the top while clearing out all the gunk from your culinary adventures in one go.

    foam in a sink
    sink with foam that has gone down the disposal

    Promising review: "Really cleaned the disposal. I have a problem with drain flies and I feel like this helps clean out the food that's attracting the flies (such as wet cat food). I liked this so much, I bought more." —OnlineShopper

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $4.25.

    4. A "Bread Buddy" dispenser that keeps sandwich bread fresh by ensuring it stays *way* more airtight than it does in just the bag alone, and also lets you use the bread bag in a clever way to dispense slices one by one. Tons of reviewers are noting how much longer their bread stays fresh (and how much easier it is to store without worrying about it getting smushed!). 

    A reviewer using the rectangular bread dispenser to pull out a fresh loaf
    An image of the rectangular bread holder with a loaf inside

    Check out a TikTok of the Buddeez sandwich bread dispenser in action. 

    Promising review: "The Buddeez Sandwich Bread Dispenser is great! It does exactly what it was intended for. I live alone and I don't quite go through bread often enough before the last quarter section of the loaf starts to go stale. I was originally looking for something to put a loaf of bread in as a shell for my vacuum sealer, that would keep the bread from getting crushed from the pressure. This dispenser solved all of my problems. Thank you!" —DRMcQuaig

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99

    5. A set of fast-acting Keurig cleaner pods you can simply put through a cycle on the machine to get rid of all the crusted-on grinds and residue that are *definitely* affecting the taste of your coffee, even if you haven't noticed over time.

    Promising review: "I had no idea that cleaning a Keurig was a thing. I bought these because I saw them on TikTok, believe it or not. I wanted to give it a go because my Keurig isn’t that old and I didn’t think it would do anything. IT WORKS SO WELL! My Keurig wasn’t as nasty as some I’ve seen, lucky. I would highly recommend, keeps everything running correctly and clean." —Lauren

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $9.45.

    6. A tiny milk frother that makes rich, creamy froths in seconds, because why stop at regular tea and coffee when you can have velvety-soft milk tea and lattes?

    Reviewer image of white marble handheld frother on its stand
    Reviewer using the frother to frother milk in a cup

    Promising review: "So I’ll admit I got this on a whim after a TikTok video, however I’m in love with this thing! It’s so much fun to use and you make your at home drinks feel so much more special. It’s easy to use and froths pretty quickly if you’re on the fence I’d say what are you waiting for buy it already!" —Denise

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in 38 styles).

    7. A sandwich "decruster" set so you can live your best knockoff Uncrustables life — a lot of parents swear by this for cheap meal preps by making sandwiches in batches at the beginning of the week and freezing them! Plus you can freeze the leftover crusts to use in bread puddings or turn into French toast 😋.  

    Reviewer holding up round crustless sandwich with peanut butter and jelly inside
    A set of round sandwiches on a plate

    Each set comes with three square, three round, and three triangle cutters in different sizes. Psst — people also use these to make hand pies and toss 'em in the oven or the air fryer! 

    Promising review: "I like to make a bunch of sandwiches and put them in the freezer for easy school lunches. I had the Pampered Chef sandwich sealer for several years, but it was always hard to get the sandwiches back out again. So when it finally broke I went on the hunt for a replacement. This one has been great so far. It has circle, square, or triangle choices, which is great. Depending on the shape of the bread, one shape may work better than the others. It is easy to pop the sandwich right out after you seal it. Even when part of the crust gets sealed, it holds up better than the ones I used to make. It cleans up easy right in the top of the dishwasher (no more hand washing if you don't want to). My kids made ham and cheese and they liked the smaller cutting piece. I made 20 sandwiches (Nutella, PB and honey and PB and jelly) for the freezer in less than 15 minutes. These are so much better than what I had before. Much easier to use than I was expecting." —K Pearson

    Get a set of nine from Amazon for $15.96

    8. A reviewer-beloved veggie chopper to make you feel like a golden god in your kitchen — this gadget julienne, chops, spiralizes, and slices vegetables in an instant and has a built-in storage container to hold the chopped veggies so you can pour them into a pan or dish without any mess. 

    Reviewer putting a potato on a flip top lid cutter and bringing the lid down to chop it into pieces
    Model pressing down on top to cut an onion

    Check out a TikTok of the veggie chopper in action. 

    Promising review: "Makes life so much easier. I can't imagine chopping onions or bell peppers by hand anymore, and it does so much more. We used to have a Prepworks chopper which was a similar idea, but you had to press so hard to chop, and it broke after not too long. This one requires very little effort to cut through the food and it has a generous container." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (clip the $10 off coupon on the product page for this price).

    9. A cult-favorite ~secret~ popcorn salt that anyone in the movie theater industry will tell you is a perfect dupe for that oh-so-savory buttery goodness you love to inhale before the previews begin. Not to be dramatic about popcorn on main, but this stuff is game changing.

    A carton of Flavacol salt
    Reviewer image of buttery popcorn
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    Our family recently unearthed this because beloved To All The Boys I've Loved Before author Jenny Han mentioned that it was her secret to delicious popcorn, and it may have just wrecked me for other at-home popcorn for the rest of my life. It genuinely tastes just as salty and buttery and savory as fresh movie theater popcorn. I inhaled it so fast that every single one of my organs lit up in mild alarm.

    Promising review: "I am a person who will make myself sick eating buckets of popcorn (I have no self control). This has by far been my favorite 'TikTok made me buy' item. My at-home popcorn is now my favorite thing to make and I don't need to go the theater for popcorn. Very much worth the purchase and this will last me such a long time." —S Martinez

    Get it from Amazon for $9.25 (available in two other flavors).

    10. An egg bite maker to flex on Starbucks and Costco and all the other places where you're paying top dollar for fresh or frozen egg bites by — gasp?? — customizing and making your own for cheap. Bonus: you can take the silicone molds off of it and use it as a regular grill for sandwiches! 

    Psst — a lot of folks also use these for pancake and protein pancake bites! 

    Promising review: "I bought this in hopes to make egg bites similar to Starbucks and I have not been disappointed. I chose this one after reading reviews on the smaller four-bite size. I have used it multiple times and have had excellent results each time. I followed the recipe in the booklet and used a tip from another reviewer that suggested to triple the cottage cheese amount. It’s very easy to use and clean." —April124

    Get it from Amazon for $49.99 (available in three colors). 

    11. A lazy Susan turntable for your pantry or fridge that will make storing and perusing your condiment stash so much more painless, since you can access the sriracha without ketchup, mustard, and a half-eaten tub of frosting landing on your unsuspecting toe.

    A small white turn table in a fridge with condiments on top of it

    Promising review: "Our fridge is extremely deep and we’re constantly 'losing' or forgetting what items we have in the back, but not anymore! The nonstick pad works great to keep heavy or large items from falling off, and with a touch of a finger, you can completely spin around. I’m so happy with this product, I’ll be purchasing more for other areas of my house:-)" —Moorefoto17

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99 (available in two colors).

    12. A set of dishwasher-cleaning tablets you can pop into a cycle with your dirty dishes to wipe out all the extra grime and that funky smell, all without ever having to touch a sponge or any other kind of cleaning utensil.

    before image of grimy dishwasher
    after image of shiny dishwasher

    Promising review: "Amazing product! I've had my dishwasher over three years and even though a package of this came with it, I had not tried it. After realizing the plastic parts inside the dishwasher seemed to be getting mineral deposit build-up, I decided to use the Affresh. I was astounded, because the whole inside of my (stainless steel) dishwasher looks brand new again. I promptly bought more Affresh, and will now use it regularly." —JJHouse

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $11.78.

    13. A two-stage knife-sharpener, because those blades you bought back in the day?? They're probably super dull by now, even if you haven't noticed since it's happened over time. But as all the pros know, sharper knives = faster, safer cooking, so you can ~refresh~ them with this.

    Hands running a knife through the small sharpener

    Promising review: "Wow, this little gadget is pretty amazing! I have some old (expensive) nonserrated knives that are supposed to never need sharpening but, unfortunately, lost their sharp edge long ago. I saw this gadget and decided to try it. I set the bottom of this gadget on the edge of the counter and ran one of the knives through the side labeled 'Coarse' about 10 times, then ran it through the side labeled 'Fine' another 8–10 times. Bingo! The knife was transformed back to its former high-dollar cutlery glory. I could hardly believe how effectively it had sharpened the knife, which I had been ready to throw away a week before. I've been happily sharpening all our knives and trying to add up in my head how much money I've saved by NOT having to buy another set of expensive knives. I don't know where else you can spend $6 and get this return for the money. Great score!" —Schelly L. Wagoner

    Read our full review of the KitchenIQ knife sharpener for more deets.

    Get it from Amazon for $6.71+ (available in three colors).

    14. A mushroom growing kit that grows right there in the packaging, so you can add some sweet, sweet umami flavors to new dishes by sautéing, roasting, or air frying them up.

    A box with mushrooms growing out of the side
    Reviewer image of mushrooms cooking in a pan

    Back To The Roots is a California-based small business founded by two college friends that specializes in indoor gardening kits with a mission to reconnect families to food.

    Psst — if you have not put mushrooms in your air fryer, my friend, you have not yet lived the full human experience. Also this growing kit comes with some recipes to get you started!

    Promising review: "This product has been so much fun to watch! I followed the directions, exactly as written, and the mushrooms began growing within 3–4 days. I will say that I did soak them for close to 10 hours before putting them back in the box to grow and I believe this helped a ton. I also kept the box inside by a window with the blinds closed in order for them to get indirect sunlight. The mushrooms grew tremendously for almost a week before they started to shrink so I clipped them to cook with and they were DELICIOUS! This was such a fun product and process to watch. I am now in the process of trying to get a second batch of shrooms from the same box. Fingers crossed!" —Steph A

    Get it from Amazon for $18.89 (available in three varieties). 

    15. A trio lasagna pan designed so that every single piece is a crispy "edge piece," and people in the family with different lasagna preferences can customize their own versions (sometimes you just gotta drown the whole thing in cheese, you dig me?).

    The pan with three rectangles of cooked lasagna in it
    Reviewer image of pan with babka cooked inside

    FYI, you can 6,000% use these for brownies, blondies, and bread too.

    Promising review: "As someone who has a child (now a teenager) that will not eat any form of cheese, this pan is amazing! I typically avoid making any food that has cheese mixed into it but now I can make him a section without cheese and the rest of us our regular cheesy goodness. Another benefit to this pan is how well the portions slice. One cut with the spatula gives you a perfectly formed square. Each section makes four regular-sized portions for our family." —TLC

    Get it from Amazon for $18.52.

    16. A silicone baking mat for your sheet pan, so on days when you've run out of time to do anything orderly for dinner you can just slap a bunch of veggies and frozen goods down, drizzle them in olive oil, and shove them in the oven. Bonus: these are super easy to clean, so you won't have to deal with a mess! 

    A reviewer's vegetable and mozzarella sticks cooking on a sheet pan
    A reviewer's croissants cooked on a sheet pan

    Promising review: "I use these mats multiple times a day. They make cleanup super easy, which is really important in my hectic life. They wipe off easily with just water." —Tasia Lung

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $9.59.

    17. A set of reusable silicone Stasher bags you can get in a ton of bright, fun colors and different sizes to help significantly cut down on your plastic use, saving both your money *and* the environment. Plus, these work in more than just the fridge — they're freezer- and microwave-safe, too.

    A transparent aqua Stasher bag full of fruit
    Various sizes of Stasher bags in pale pink

    Promising review: "I have been using these for about two years and let me tell you, they look like the day I bought them! I was using them for school lunches, but now with the stay-at-home orders, I’ve begun making batches of rice and pasta and freezing those with these bags. They work great and heat up in the microwave beautifully. No damage to the bags at all! I actually ordered some more just to have plenty on hand since I’m using more of them now than in the past. I have tried other brands of reusable storage bags that got pitted and messed up in the microwave. These may cost a little more, but they are almost indestructible and last a long long time! Did I mention you can throw them in dishwasher? Just open the bag and fit it onto the upper-rack spikes and they wash up great. I just shake them out and let them air dry. I’m not using plastic bags anymore! Thanks for the great product." —John S.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.21+ (available in four sizes and eight colors).

    18. A teensy mini waffle maker that will churn out adorably-sized, perfectly cooked-through waffles in mere minutes. Psst — if you're waffling on the waffles, you can also use it for hash browns, paninis, biscuits, and even (gasp) PIZZA. If you can dream it, you can mini waffle it.

    Promising review: "At first, I laughed and thought it was too small to really do anything. I was so wrong — it's an amazing little waffle maker!! Can cook almost anything on it! I have cooked eggs, waffles, and French toast." —S PETERSON

    Get it from Amazon for $12.49+ (available in 20 colors).

    19. A two-pack of TikTok-famous Dan-O's seasoning, a low-sodium, hecka-flavorful option made with dried herbs, citrus, and granulated onion and garlic that reviewers love to jazz up everything from fish to beef to eggs to veggies.

    two jars of spices
    the spices on a steak and potatoes

    Dan O's seasoning is a small business established in 2017 that gained popularity after taking to TikTok during the pandemic, where the company now has 1.5 million followers with plenty of droolworthy food content.

    Promising review: "I became interested in this product while watching TikToks. I have been adding it to so many things. I use it in spaghetti, on fish, and one of my favorites is to add it to popcorn. My husband had to ask why my popcorn smelled like steak. I love the fact that it is low sodium as well. I am not a fan of extra salt and most foods already have plenty of salt but need some seasoning. This should be your go to seasoning." —Heartcri

    Get a pack of two (one original, one spicy) from Amazon for $20.99.

    20. cold brew coffee maker so gloriously easy to use that all you have to do is stick your favorite ground coffee in the filter, seal the airtight lid on top, and pop it in the fridge overnight. Boom, 4 cups of cold brew you don't have to lift a finger to make when you're scrambling to log onto a Zoom meeting five minutes late. 

    Promising review: "This coffee maker is my BEST FRIEND! I use this every day, it's so easy to use! My coffee comes out perfect every time. I'm a cold coffee drinker and I put about 8–10 scoops of freshly ground coffee into the filter. I let it sit overnight and the next morning, I remove the filter and dump the grounds. It makes four days' worth of coffee and I love that it's ready to go for me, especially since I wake up at 4:50 a.m. and I need to make my coffee quickly! It's very easy to clean as well." —Panda

    Get it from Amazon for $21+ (available in three colors and two sizes). 

    21. A slim organizer tray for your cutlery to save you so much drawer space that you'll feel like you just opened an extra pocket in the time-space-fork continuum. No more jamming the messy drawer shut and praying it stays that way, y'all!

    slim silver organizer in drawer with cutlery slid into it

    Promising review: "TikTok has done it again and made me spend money on unnecessary things. However, it was definitely worth it! I love the durability and space it saved me. Compared to larger and bulkier flatware organizers. Hands down, good purchase!" —Sierra

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    22. A Yonanas fruit soft-serve maker that magics any frozen fruit into an ice cream or sorbet texture so you can have a yummy frozen treat made to your *precise* favorite fruit combos. A lot of folks with dietary restrictions swear by this to get their ice cream kicks! 

    The black device on a table with sorbet in a bowl under it
    A close up of a reviewer's yellow and red sorbet

    Promising review: "I saw one of these in action at a friend's house like five years ago and thought it was just a made up memory, because making ice cream out of solely frozen fruit seems wild. But when I saw a TikTok about it I immediately went to Amazon and bought it. Literally this was the BEST decision of my life. I cannot believe still how amazing this thing is! It makes the creamiest, best tasting fruit ice cream ever. It’s easy to take apart and clean, and super easy to use." —DMCKAY

    Get it from Amazon for $49.95 (available in five colors). 

    23. A microwave pasta maker to bring you the glory of your favorite carbohydrate by literally just pressing a button on the microwave and walking away, so you don't have to hover over a boiling pot listening to a podcast just to get your noodles on.

    A rectangular transparent holder for pasta with water in it getting set and strained out

    Promising review: "This is a fantastic product. I’ve been cooking for more than 50 years. Pasta has always been a simple go-to dinner for me. Tending to the boiling pot of pasta was just part of the process. I’ve been getting tired of cooking as I’ve aged. This simple little microwave pasta cooker has simplified cooking so much more than I could have imagined. Seems silly, but it’s kinda like a little miracle. No more toting a heavy pot to the stove. No more pouring pasta and boiling water into a colander. It’s simple, lightweight, and foolproof. You’ll never regret buying this. I suggest buying the larger size to have more portion options." —Winky

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99.

    24. A set of three dough presses in different sizes perfect for hand pies, dumplings, ravioli, calzones, empanadas, and truly any delicious thing you can think of that you want tucked into a pillow of warm carbs — this makes the process streamlined and easy so you don't have to sweat it. 

    An uncooked empanada in one of the dough presses after being shaped
    A row of perfectly cooked and identical empanadas

    Promising review: "This was a great purchase for the price. I was making empanadas and folding them by hand, which didn’t look too good. This set helps me cut them easily into circles and then easily presses them close. Consistent look each time! I like that there are three sizes in the set so I can make them according to my mood. Easy to wash and use. Would highly recommend for the price and functionality!" —Sox

    Get a set of three from Amazon for $9.99.

    25. An extra large combo air fryer and oven for anyone whose Venn diagram of "I want to eat like royalty" and "I would like a machine to do all the cooking for me" is a circle. This bb comes with 11 different presets based on what kind of meal you're cooking so you'll get the optimum time and temperature for perfectly-crisped dinners and desserts that will leave your actual convection oven *shaking* with jealousy. (Particularly because this thing not only doesn't need time to preheat, but will cook food up to 50% faster!) 

    A white square shaped air fryer with a digital control panel
    Kebabs perfectly crisped in the air fryer basket

    Promising review: "I chose this particular air fryer over hundreds offered on Amazon. Features that were the most important to me were the number of presets (counting defrost), the warranty (a year), Cosori accessories, and ease of use. It is easy to clean in the dishwasher, and the preset settings mean that I don't have to calculate time or temperature. But it's also easy to add time or subtract it if you need to. The night I received my air fryer, I made the most amazing steaks that were so tender and moist inside! Since then, I have made Cornish hens, BBQ ribs, blueberry muffins, tater tots, and many other dishes. The fryer is not heavy and it is not loud when in use. Do yourself a favor and buy this!" —nativehoosier

    Get it from Amazon for $119.99+ (available in three colors). 

    26. Plus a magnetic air fryer cheat sheet so you can finally experiment with juuuuust the right amount of reckless abandon, while knowing everything you stick in there will still come out safe to eat. 

    Promising review: "Bought an air fryer several months ago which I haven't used a whole lot because it came with only a few recipes but not enough info on other items to cook. The Lotteli cheat sheet gives you cooking times and temperatures for a lot of your common everyday foods in a magnetized easy-to-read, two-sheet combo that fills in where air fryer pamphlet that came with the unit leaves out. I also bought an air fryer cook book but this only comes with specific recipes, whereas the cheat sheet fills in the void for quick basic needs. Very happy with this purchase! 😁" —B. Frank Smith

    Get it from Amazon for $11.45+ (available in two colors). 

    27. A Bentgo stackable lunch container that salad eaters absolutely *rave* about — this bowl is nice and deep for mixing salads and has an upper compartment to keep your other ingredients separate, *plus* a container for dressing and a reusable fork. 

    A purple container with a bottom full of salad and a top with four sections dividing ingredients
    The components of the container laid out in a graphic

    Promising review: "I absolutely love these salad containers. My fiancé and I have big appetites, but try to eat healthy. These containers fit a ton of salad greens and all sizes of toppings — nuts, beans, cheese, fruits, meats, pasta, etc. They make packing lunch easy. Just throw in some greens, a protein, a dressing, and toppings that make salad fun for you! We use ours several times per week and they make it to both our jobs without spilling or leaking. I walk and ride public transit, so mine gets tossed around a bit. We have blue and purple and want the other two as well. The bright colors are fun! I also like that having everything separate forces me to take a minute to put my lunch together and eat mindfully rather than just devouring it on my break. Several of my friends and coworkers have bought them after seeing mine! The only thing I wish this bowl had is a knife, but I keep one at work to chop up the greens before tossing!" —izzo

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99 (available in eight colors). 

    28. A bagel guillotine for all of your carb-slicing needs, whether you're beheading some bagels, muffins, buns, or rolls. Not only will you get perfect slices every time, but this is also muuuuch safer than a regular knife (and less embarrassing than explaining you were bested by a bagel in the emergency room). Psst — parents also love this as a much safer option for kids making their own snacks and meals! 

    A bagel under the 'guillotine
    A perfectly sliced bagel

    Promising review: "My boyfriend can’t cut bagels. He literally butchers these poor baby bagels all up. I saw this on a TikTok and I was like oh we need that. So I bought it. And it was a good investment. Now we can enjoy nicely sliced bagels that fit in a toaster and aren’t jagged across. Yay bagel slicer!" —Ci DiPalma

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99.

    29. A set of fridge organizers that will not only tame the jungle of your fridge's contents, but help you get through all your good produce before it goes bad — the clear containers give you enough visibility to keep an eye on everything before it has the audacity to spoil on you. 

    Promising review: "My daughter wanted to organize the fridge after watching a series of TikTok videos! These were exactly what she wanted! Download TikTok for your kids and maybe they will want to help organize, too!" —Sarah C. 

    Get a set of eight bins from Amazon for $23.99 (available in four sizes and in sets of two, four, and six). 

    30. A sliding kitchen counter caddy so you can tuck your appliances and gadgets back when you don't need to use them, and easily slide them out when you do. Here's looking at you, KitchenAids and bulkier coffee makers 👀.  

    A coffee maker being slid across a counter by a sliding caddy
    Black caddy underneath a coffee maker demonstrating it slides forward and back

    Promising review: "I have a place under my counter that holds my Keurig and my toaster and I wanted/needed something that I could pull them out to toast bread and to put water in my Keurig, because it was a very very tight spot and I couldn’t do those things. This is a great product and I absolutely LOVE these for the use it has given me." —stephanie

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99

    31. The "Guac-Lock," aka the Fort Knox of guac — this airtight, specially designed container stops your guacamole from oxidizing, so when you make a big, delicious batch of it while your avocados are in their prime, you can steadily enjoy it over several meals. Reviewers mention it staying fresh for up to 10 days! 

    Promising review: "Rarely do I buy something that delivers 100% of what they claim it will. I'm happy to report that this completely lived up to my expectations. Truth be told, it works even better than I expected it to. I made a batch of guac a week ago. Two or three times during the week, I unlocked it, dipped a chip or two and then re-locked it. After a week, the guacamole is as fresh as if I made it this morning. I typically make a batch of guac each week and use it as a snack or as a spread on sandwiches. I also typically throw out one-third of the batch because it spoils before we can eat it. Not any more. I estimate the food I'm not wasting will actually pay for the Guac-Lock in about a month." —mhogan

    Get it on Amazon for $22.40.

    32. A sampler of Avec Drinks' alcohol-free cocktail mix, a carbonated drink balanced to pair with spirits *or* by itself without all the sugary over sweetness of juices and traditional mixers. Basically it's all the joy of having an in-house bartender without spending the big bucks or the hassle of swapping out your sweatpants.

    The cans in a box next to a bar cart
    Avec Drinks

    Avec Drinks is a woman-owned business established in 2020 that specializes in cocktail mixers. The Sampler includes three 8-ounce cans each of Jalapeño and Blood Orange, Ginger, Hibiscus and Pomegranate, Grapefruit and Pomelo, and Yuzu and Lime. Each is designed to pair with two ounces of a spirit, or to be enjoyed all on their own.

    Here's what BuzzFeed shopping writer Kit Stone had to say about these sips: “The way my life is set up, the very day I want a good cocktail is the very day I have no ingredients to make it happen. To be honest, I’ve never been much of the bartender, and when it comes to cocktails, I need something tasty that drowns out an overpowering spirit. So anything that came ready-to-go where I only had to add my spirit of choice, was already a win for me. After tasting, I was sold. The Avec Mixers take all the guesswork out of what to put in and how much. And, you can even drink them by themselves over ice without adding any alcohol at all. My personal faves are the Grapefruit and Pomelo, and Yuzu and Lime. If you want a super simple solution to super tasty cocktails, this is definitely the way to go.”

    Get it from Avec Drinks for $45.

    33. A handy heat-resistant silicone utensil rest with a built-in drip pad so you can set your spoon or spatula down without ending up with pancake batter all over the counter and floor (sorry @ Fido, who was waiting patiently for a scrap down below). 

    a pink spoon rest with grooves holding a spoon, spatula, and ladle
    Gray version holding tongs and spatulas

    Bonus — this is also dishwasher-safe! 

    Promising review: "I bought this on impulse and I am glad I did. It does a great job of holding multiple utensils and keeping them from touching all while not taking up a great deal of space. The lip around the edge works well to keep any drips from getting on my counter and when I am done cooking I just throw it in the dishwasher. My counters are cleaner and less cluttered while cooking (I have limited counter space) and cleanup is a breeze. Before this I had a cute ceramic owl spoon rest which I loved the look of but was always afraid of breaking it, and it only held one utensil. Since this one is silicone I don’t have to worry about it chipping or breaking. It is also easy to stick it in a drawer until you need it. I would definitely recommend this product, without hesitation, to anyone." —A. Jessup

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99 (available in 30 colors and two sizes). 

    34. A rapid egg cooker that I am warning you right now is going to become your most meaningful relationship. It can make soft-, medium-, *and* hard-boiled eggs in addition to poaching, scrambling, and making omelets out of them. This gizmo is, like, a thousand potential brunches and meal preps in one.

    The dome shaped yellow-based egg cooker with cooked eggs inside of it next to a salad with hard boiled eggs
    Closeup of the yellow egg cooker

    I've owned one of these babies and have faithfully used it every week for upward of two years, and especially love it while working from home — it simplifies breakfast because I know no matter what assortment of groceries I'm working with, there are precooked eggs to add some protein to it (I like mine medium-boiled 🍳). If my dinner is boring or seems like it needs a little extra "oomph" to it, I'll throw in an egg from this too. Some reviews note that the alarm on it is a little loud, but the new models have significantly decreased the volume and sing a little song instead!

    Promising review: "I saw someone on TikTok with this and gasped! Ordered it right away. I had no idea these things existed. Super easy and convenient and the hard-boiled eggs came out perfectly. I’m testing a batch now without punching a hole in the eggs to see how they come out. Because why not make an easy process even easier?!?! LOL." —Gina

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in five colors).

    35. A bottle of Mike's Hot Honey to instantly elevate every dish you make to "my compliments to the CHEF" level. You can add a pinch of sweet and a kick of spice to anything from pizza to salads to tacos to — be still my '90s bb heart — grilled cheese.

    A bottle of the honey drizzled on pizza

    Promising review: "Saw someone try this in TikTok and knew I needed it. It’s so good and sweet and spicy. I love it on fried chicken and even pepperoni pizza. It’s delicious." —Tricia

    Check out BuzzFeed's review of Mike's Hot Honey for more info!

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99.

    36. A cooktop and stove top cleaner kit so effective at removing scorch marks and burnt food, it'll restore your kitchen back to its shiny original state just like The Great Pasta Sauce Incident Of 2021 never happened. 

    Promising review: "This product is amazing!!! I cannot believe what it took off our stovetop! We bought a house and the electric stove was left and I had tried everything to get it looking new and clean, EVERYTHING. I'd seen this on TikTok and figured I’d give it a shot and WOW am I glad I did. Hello new clean stove." —Kindle Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $14.88

    37. An EasyWring microfiber spin mop, aka the MVP of CleanTok. This mop is machine washable and has an automatic wringer so there are no hands involved, is designed to reach into deep corners for a thorough clean, and is made with a fabric so effective that — gasp — you don't even need chemical cleaners. You can just get the dirt and grime up with water. 

    Model using the foot pedal on a water basin to wring out a small mop
    O-Cedar/YouTube / Via www.youtube.com

    Promising review: "I had had it with my broken basic mop and bucket. I tried to just get a dollar store Swiffer to get us by, but that wasn't cutting it at all. With three boys and a dog that makes his rounds on all the furniture and every exposed corner, I had to do something. After seeing a TikTok where a woman demonstrated this mop to clean her walls, and hearing my boss raving about it, I decided to click the Amazon button. Let me tell you, I HATE cleaning, I HATE mopping, but I LOVE for things to be clean. I was able to mop the entire house TWICE (Because it was that dirty. Please don't judge.) within an hour. A few days later I mopped the entire house again within 10 minutes because they weren't quite as dirty. On another positive note, my boys love the spinner and think it’s a toy! So, every time I get the bucket out my 10-year-old and 4-year-old ask to mop the house because they think it’s fun. MAJOR BONUS!" —Molly

    Get it from Amazon for $34.97

    38. A pack of French vanilla-flavored Nutpods, an unsweetened dairy-free creamer made with almonds and coconuts to give your coffee a subtle, frothy flavor in the a.m. This is also vegan, gluten-free, and keto- and Paleo-friendly for anyone with dietary restrictions or preferences.  

    A reviewer holding a frothy creamy cup of coffee
    Reviewer image of small carton of french vanilla nutpod creamer

    Nutpods is a Washington-based, woman-founded business established in 2015 that specializes in dairy-free products made without artificial sweeteners. 

    Promising review: "Rich. Creamy. Kept me on Whole 30. After Whole 30, I got another case because I love it. Both original and vanilla are fantastic. (Bonus: if I forget my drink in the car or at work, there's no gross curdled milk smell.)" —Jennifer Shimota

    Get a pack of four 11.2-ounce cartons from Amazon for $18.81

    39. A three-in-one avocado slicer small enough to slide into your utensil drawer – it'll more than earn its keep by taking care of those pesky pits and giving you slices so perfectly portioned you'll break your friends' Instagram feeds.

    A model using the tool to de-pit and slice half an avocado

    This three-in-one tool can split an avocado with its pointy tip, remove the pit with its center, and make perfectly even slices with the bottom — a much safer alternative to using a regular knife and potential falling prey to the dreaded "avocado hand."

    Promising review: "So worth the space in the kitchen! This thing really does what it says. I love mine and use it all the time. Pit removal is super easy with this, no more knife-prying. I didn't think the cutting tool would be as effective as it is- but it works great as well. No complaints on this product — would buy again!" —K. Cyr

    Get it from Amazon for $11.95.

    40. A pair of cut-resistant gloves for anyone whose hands aren't quite as steady as their love for thick-cut meats and thinly sliced veggies — these are designed to be four times stronger (!!) than leather to keep your digits safe.

    Model wearing grey gloves while cooking meat

    Promising review: "I bought the gloves because I had two nasty cuts in quick succession from a cheese grater. Anyone who has had injuries to their fingers knows how difficult it is to continue to do everyday activities and meal preparation while still protecting your wound. I received the gloves quickly after my order and pressed them into use immediately that evening. I am most impressed. My fingers/hands were protected from my very sharp grater and knife while I prepared dinner. I bought two pairs, one to keep and one to give as a gift. I am now going to buy a third pair in a larger size for a friend who also likes to cook but suffers from occasional run-ins with mandolines, graters, and knives. Great product!" —O'Hare

    Psst — check out BuzzFeed's full review of NoCry Cut Resistant Gloves for more deets.

    Get it from Amazon for $11.49 (available in sizes S-XL and two colors).

    41. A pickle storage container engineered so you never end up with your hands sticky with pickle juice again — this comes with a strainer insert you can lift, letting you pluck your pickles right out without without scavenging through the jar's salty abyss. Bonus — this is also super lightweight and a much better, family-friendly alternative to heavy glass pickle jars! 

    Pickles in a clear plastic container with a green lid
    A reviewer lifting up the green strainer leaving the juice in the container so they can pull out pickles

    Promising review: "This was something I purchased for my husband. We had been talking about the pain of getting pickles out of the jar and basically 'fishing' for them sometimes. LOL and I was like 'Wouldn't it be cool if they had something you could pull them up with that would drain them/?' not knowing about this. Then a couple of days later I tripped upon this and ordered it for him. Now no more 'fishing' for pickles." —debra knipe

    Get it from Amazon for $14.29

    42. An internet-beloved OXO measuring cup with transparent measurements on the side *and* angled in the middle so you can see exactly how much you're measuring from a bird's-eye view.

    The transparent angled measuring cup with oil inside

    It also comes equipped with a soft grip handle and a deeply convenient angled nozzle, and is dishwasher-safe!

    Promising review: "Our old liquid measuring cups were beginning to get worn and very hard to read. I had seen these angled measuring cups before and wanted to give them a try, so I bought two (2-cup versions) to replace our existing cups. I've only gotten to use them a handful of times, but I can already tell you they are better than traditional measuring cups. I have good eyesight, so reading a traditional measuring cup isn't a problem. However, I've always disliked having to lean over to watch the cup fill up, or start/stop filling to make sure I have what I need. With the overhead reading, I can pour my liquid in and know exactly when to stop. In my opinion, this is the only way measuring cups should be made in the future." —SK

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    43. A "blue apple" freshness extender to keep your fruits and veggies fresh two to three times longer, so you're no longer in a perpetual race against the time-space-produce continuum.

    A model holding the blue apple
    A blue apple in a produce drawer

    Each of these works for up to three months, so they'll more than pay for themselves in produce you'll save! 

    Promising review: "Easily one of my favorite Amazon purchases this year. Has literally doubled the life of our produce and paid for itself in less than a month. This is one of those things you wish you'd learned about years ago! A real money saver." —Ryan A 

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $21.99.

    You enjoying the majesty of a homemade breakfast sandwich: