11 Little Things To Make You Happy This Week

    Here are some things that aren't sad.

    The world is full of sad things right now and it sucks.

    So here's a bunch of things that have happened that aren't sad, BECAUSE HAPPY THINGS STILL EXIST, OK.

    Who knows, maybe they'll even make you smile.

    1. This man who makes prosthetics for animals.

    Facebook: video.php

    And the special prosthetic leg he made to help a dog walk again.

    2. These wonderful brothers.

    Amazing video of Alistair Brownlee helping brother Jonny over the line. This is sport. (via @worldtriathlon)

    3. This heart-melting Voice audition.

    View this video on YouTube


    She sings great AND she gets to work with her idol.

    4. This post about babushka dogs.

    6. This little baby who just wants to help this singer out.

    View this video on YouTube


    7. The prime minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau.

    Facebook: video.php

    Just the prime minister of Canada saying "yaaass".

    8. This lovely story about how people in the UK are donating their first new £5 note to charity.

    People are doing something wonderful with the new £5 note #FirstFiver #FiverGiver

    9. This doggy who's just so happy to get a hug.

    10. These mega-talented dancers.

    View this video on YouTube



    11. This well-groomed squirrel.

    This is a weekly series. Have something happy that you think should be in next week’s post? Let me know in the comments or tweet me!