27 Money Tips For Students That Are Actually Useful

    Economics made easy.

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    1. Compare rates on your bills.

    2. Compare mobile phone deals.

    3. Look up transport discounts.

    4. Get a good bank account.

    5. Set up separate bank accounts.

    6. Avoid credit cards.

    7. Use cash.

    8. Track your spending.

    9. Set up overdraft warnings.

    10. Save up an emergency fund.

    11. Cook!

    12. Bulk is better.

    13. Set up a Come Dine With Me group.

    14. Figure out your local supermarket's schedule.

    15. Get cashback on online shopping.

    16. Always carry your student card.

    17. Work where you shop.

    18. Find out where your local pound shops are.

    19. Pre-drink

    20. Have a booze-free night.

    21. Don't buy new books.

    22. Use your library card.

    23. Save on tea and coffee.

    24. Take photos of your house when you move in.

    25. Pay attention to university events.

    26. Apply for scholarships and bursaries.

    27. Let yourself be experimented on.