11 Little Things To Put A Smile On Your Face This Week

    Chin up, it's not all bad.

    So, we all know the world ain't doing so great right now.

    So here's a bunch of lovely things to cheer you up.

    Go on, give us a smile!

    1. This incredible gymnastics routine.

    View this video on YouTube


    Rhythmic gymnastics are the best. If you want more reasons why, please see this post.

    2. This cat having the trip of his life.

    Gave my cat some catnip and he's been laying like this for 2 hours

    3. This chicken going for a run.


    4. This video of auctioneers mixed with rap beats.

    Facebook: video.php

    (It's hard to describe, just hit play.)

    5. This helpful golden retriever.

    i found this on tumblr but it made me too happy 2 not share

    6. The discovery of this squishy octopus.

    7. These Syrian girls passing their exams.

    Hoping that everyone getting #alevelresults is celebrating like these Syrian girls who have passed their exams!

    8. This marriage proposal.

    View this video on YouTube


    Yeah, you've probs already seen this but YOU NEED TO SEE IT AGAIN.

    First the joyful flags and twirling then the joyful proposal it's just all so joyful.

    9. This post full of memes that are just so pure.

    when u realize that u love spending time by yourself because you are a complete & interesting person on ur own

    Beautiful cinnamon roll memes. Too good for this world. Too pure.

    10. The fact that chicken cheese balls exist.

    Facebook: video.php

    11. This Instagram account that's literally just pictures of dogs.