27 Reasons Kalinda Will Be Seriously Missed On "The Good Wife"

    The current, sixth season, will be Archie Panjabi's last as the world's best investigator, and it won't be the same without her.

    1. She's very helpful.

    Don't worry about literally anything. Kalinda has it covered.

    2. And if you're in her inner circle, she will basically do anything for you.

    She may have screwed over Cary (Matt Czuchry) and Alicia (Julianna Margulies) by telling Will (Josh Charles), Diane (Christine Baranski), and David Lee (Zach Grenier) the address of Florrick, Agos & Associates, BUT she's done a lot of things for Cary and Alicia over the years.

    3. Because she protects her friends.

    "Just going to destroy this and move on."

    4. And tries to keep them safe when they're in harm's way.

    Like, when Cary is being attacked in prison.



    6. She'll even rescue your kids and not take credit for it.

    Remember when Grace (Makenzie Vega) went missing — err, was being baptized — and Kalinda found her and made sure she got home safely?

    7. And she can keep dark secrets so those she cares about don't get implicated.

    Basically, she's not afraid of perjuring herself.

    8. She'll own up to her mistakes.

    Especially sleeping with Peter Florrick (Chris Noth).

    9. She can be tender.

    10. Or playful.

    11. She's extremely comfortable with who she is.

    12. And she embraces the fact that she's rough around the edges.

    Also, this ice cream scene will go down in history.

    13. If you mess with her, you will lose.

    As Blake (Scott Porter) learned the hard way.

    14. She may be small, but she can handle things by herself.

    15. And when she wants to be, she is insanely intimidating.

    16. There isn't a situation that comes her way she can't deal with.

    Remember when her husband (Marc Warren) came to town and wouldn't leave her alone/stop being creepy and aggressive?

    17. She's fiercely independent.

    18. She gives invaluable advice.

    19. Really, she's half-P.I., half-therapist.

    20. She knows that a few words can go a long way.

    She got Alicia through her first day back in court with the simplest of notes.

    21. As can a few dropped buttons.

    Who needs a subpoena?

    22. She ROCKS a leather jacket like no one else.

    23. She's pretty much the best drinking buddy anyone could ever find.

    24. She doesn't buy into bullshit.

    25. Even with her boss.

    26. She is able to crack pretty much any mystery.

    There's no hiding spot Kalinda can't uncover.

    27. Because she's just a smart, savvy badass.

    And we will miss her.

    The Good Wife airs on Sundays at 9 p.m. on CBS.