Kirsten Dunst Got Real About Depression, Repressed Emotions, And What's Helped Her "Come Out Of" Past Struggles With Mental Health

    "It's hard to talk about such a personal thing, but it is important to share."

    Kirsten Dunst's acting career dates back to her early childhood. Decades later, we've seen the Emmy nominee in dozens of movies and television shows spanning multiple genres — The Virgin Suicides, Bring It On, Spider-Man, and Fargo are just a few examples.

    Kirsten on the red carpet

    While continuing to work throughout her 20s, Kirsten faced mental health challenges behind the scenes, which prompted her to seek treatment for depression at a Utah rehabilitation center in 2008.

    Kirsten has spoken openly about her path toward mental wellness before and recently talked more about her experiences as a young adult in an interview with the Sunday Times.

    Kirsten and her partner, fellow actor Jesse Plemons

    "I feel like most people around 27, the shit hits the fan. Whatever is working in your brain, you can't live like that any more mentally," she said.

    "I feel like I was angry," Kirsten recalled, adding, "You don't know that you are repressing all this anger. It wasn't a conscious thing."

    The actor also touched on treatment methods she's found helpful and recognized the value of publicly sharing her story.

    Kirsten smiling while sitting on a panel

    "It's hard to talk about such a personal thing, but it is important to share too," she acknowledged. "All I'll say is that medication is a great thing and can really help you come out of something. I was afraid to take something and so I sat in it for too long. I would recommend getting help when you need it."

    You can read Kirsten's full interview with the Sunday Times here. To learn more about depression and find resources that can help, visit the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) website.

    The National Alliance on Mental Illness helpline is 1-888-950-6264 (NAMI) and provides information and referral services. is an association of mental health professionals from more than 25 countries who support efforts to reduce harm in therapy.