Hilary Duff Accidentally Used Green Hair Dye Instead Of Conditioner And Documented The Whole Thing

    "I've turned my hair green again. On accident."

    Hilary Duff personified our pandemic-era creative angst last year when she unveiled a new hairstyle that was noticeably different from the blonde look she'd been rocking for ages.

    It was shorter, dyed electric blue, and the envy of many of us — including, ahem, me — who'd given serious thought to going neon during quarantine but hesitated to make the change.

    Hilary eventually shifted back to her natural tone after first debuting the vibrant style, and then went on to dazzle us again with a second round of bright blue hair in February.

    Hilary later returned to blonde and seemed to be set on keeping her hair that way. But, as of recently, she's back to dabbling in adventurous hues — this time, unintentionally.

    Hilary Duff is pictured on the set of Younger

    In a series of Instagram Story videos posted yesterday, the Younger star revealed that she accidentally dyed her hair green during a conditioner mixup.

    Hilary Duff shows off her green tinted hair in this screenshot from her Instagram Story

    "So, I just took a bath, and I put conditioner on my hair that I thought was for taking the brassiness out," she explained. Anyone who's dyed their hair blonde before knows the "purple condish" Hilary referenced here can be a real saving grace.

    Hilary Duff shows off her green tinted hair in this screenshot from her Instagram Story

    Unfortunately, what Hilary believed to be her blonde maintenance conditioner turned out to be leftover dye from her colorful hair days. "And now I've turned my hair green again. On accident," she said.

    Happens to the best of us! I, for one, was a huge fan of Hilary's turquoise hair and wouldn't be upset if it made a semi-permanent comeback. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.