18 Easy Self-Care Tips To Help You Relax

    It's time to unwind.

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us their favorite self-care tips, and boy, I feel relaxed already. Here are some of the best responses.

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    1. Have someone else tell you to relax so you don't feel guilty about it.

    "I have an easier time de-stressing and relaxing if someone gives me permission to do it. So, I call my mom or a friend and have them tell me, 'You need a day off.' If someone else is telling me to relax, it lessens the guilt I feel about taking some time to myself."


    2. Get comfy.

    3. Wash the stress away.

    "When I'm feeling down, the best thing for me is to take a long, hot shower. I'll sit down and let the water wash away my worries, doubts, and fears."


    4. Give crystal healing a try.

    5. Take your medicine.

    6. Go get some sunshine.

    "I take a few minutes every day to go outside. The saying, 'Fresh air will do you some good,' is completely accurate. It helps clear my head and makes me feel grounded."


    7. Wake up and meditate.

    8. Find small things that work for you.

    "I enjoy running, painting my nails, or calling up a friend." —jamib4d84b5547

    9. Drink some chocolate goodness.

    10. Find a furry friend.

    "I hug my dog and cat. Warm and furry friend hugs are medicine for the soul."


    11. Dance it out!

    12. Clean your space.

    "When my environment is in chaos, I’m in chaos. Getting my home back together helps me feel like I’m in control and I can get refocused."


    13. Make time for exercise.

    14. Crack open a good book.

    "Read a good book."


    15. Find a friend you trust.

    16. Drink water!

    17. Start a gratitude log.

    "I pick one happy thing that happened to me each day and jot it down. It can be as simple as your favorite song coming on the radio. It's nice to read through them and see that your week/month hasn't been a total shit show."


    18. Protect that beautiful skin!

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    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.