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26 Really Fucking Infuriating Inconsistencies In TV Shows

So many continuity errors.

We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community which TV continuity error or inconsistency infuriates them. Here are some of the best responses.

1. Jay and Gloria's house in Modern Family having an entirely different interior in the first episode compared with the rest of the series, while the external shot remains the same.

2. The Will and Grace revival dismissing the entire final season of the show by saying it was all a dream.

3. This inconsistency in New Girl.

4. And this major fail in the New Girl /Brooklyn Nine-Nine crossover episode.

5. This inconsistency in How I Met Your Mother.

6. This impossibility in Sex and the City.

7. And all of these discrepancies in The Carrie Diaries.

8. The timeline of That 70s Show spanning four years into eight seasons but including EIGHT Christmases.

9. And the fact that Donna's sister in That 70s Show appears in one episode, then disappears and is never mentioned again.

10. This moment from Buffy The Vampire Slayer that makes absolutely no sense.

11. Rachel from Glee's dads completely changing identity.

12. The inconsistencies surrounding Rory from Gilmore Girls' age.

13. This absolute fail in Sabrina The Teenage Witch.

14. The IT Crowd ending its first season with a huge cliffhanger where the characters wake up in bed with each other, and it never being mentioned again.

15. The fact that Wilden is supposedly paid to cover up Charles DiLaurentis killing Toby's mum in Pretty Little Liars, despite him having been about 12 at the time and therefore not in the police.

16. And these non-sensical plotlines from later in the show.

17. Carrie's necklace moving between two positions in this episode of Sex and the City.

18. The Friends characters' birthdays constantly changing.

19. And the fact that Rachel and Chandler meet "for the first time" on three separate occasions.

20. Michael from The Office trying to learn how to ride a bike because he's "never ridden one before," despite the fact that in a previous episode he donates his old bike as a gift for the toy drive.

21. How, in a few episodes of Bewitched, Samantha uses the power to freeze time at will, with little effort, which would have made the conflict very easy to resolve in 99% of the episodes in which she DOESN'T use that power, or even bring it up.

22. The writers Grey's Anatomy forgetting that Arizona Robbins had a leg amputated.

23. Topanga's parents in Boy Meets World changing at least three times.

24. How, In Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Jake mentions twice that he can't grow a moustache. Cut to season five, he's in prison with a full beard and moustache.

25. How, in one episode of The Big Bang Theory, Penny mentions that Leonard "doesn't snore." A later episode revolves around him getting his deviated septum fixed to stop his snoring.

26. And, finally, the fact that you can tell that Jess from New Girl doesn't actually have lenses in her glasses.

Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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