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Abigail Breslin Has Defended Selena Gomez Against Her Body Shaming Critics

"How are young girls supposed to not feel bad about themselves when this is national news?"

Over the past few weeks, numerous photos of Selena Gomez in a bathing suit have found their way online, with headlines suggesting she's gained weight.

Online commenters were quick to weigh in on the debate, with many calling her fat.

Selena didn't respond directly to the comments, but did take to Instagram to post this photo, the caption of which said she was "happy" with herself.

But now Abigail Breslin has written a blog defending Selena, saying her body shouldn't be up for judgement.

Abigail wrote:

"All this stuff about Selena Gomez online in her bathing suit is RIDICULOUS. Everyone is always saying how we shouldn't judge each other, so why are you commenting on a gorgeous, talented and smart young girls [sic] body when she's on the beach having fun with her friends AND SHE LOOKS AMAZING. Aren't there more important things the world can be reporting on??"

She went on to say that the negative headlines could be damaging to other girls' self esteem.

Abigail said:

"How are young girls supposed to grow up normally and not feel bad about themselves and not develop eating disorders if it's literally national headline news that a THIN girl may or may not have put on a few pounds, and YET still remains THIN?"

She concluded that society should do more to empower women.

She wrote:

"I think if we all took the time we spend making each other feel bad about ourselves and used it to make each other feel good, the world would be a better place. Oh and also if we taught girls they had more newsworthy qualities than how they fit into a bikini, we'd have a lot more happy girls."

Before tweeting this piece of advice.

How about we stop calling each other "too big" or "too thin" how about we stop the idea that everyone is "too" anything, except "too dope".

YAAASS Abigail.

Here is the blog in full.