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    62 Practical Products From Amazon Our Readers Are Loving So Far In 2023

    Life is tough. These products make it a little easier.

    1. A two-piece dryer vent cleaning kit that will help you get all the lint out of your dryer and help prevent fires.

    The product in front of a dryer

    2. A bottle of Glisten Garbage Disposal Cleaner to clean out all the left over gunk rotting in your disposal. No more asking yourself “what smells?” when you walk into the kitchen!

    3. A container of Wet & Forget shower cleaner because the place you clean yourself should also be clean. Just spray, wait eight to twelve hours, rinse thoroughly, and watch the grime wash away.

    A before and after of a tub after using the product

    4. A pet hair remover because you forgot what color your couch actually is and it is literally covered in cat/dog/guinea pig hair.

    someone holding the product with hair in it

    5. A two-pack of toothbrushes that aren’t like regular toothbrushes; they’re ~cool~ toothbrushes. The bristles are ten times thinner than most other toothbrushes and as fine as human hair at the tip. That has to be good right?

    Two toothbrushes with suds on them

    6. A 48-pack of these Miracle-Gro indoor plant spikes that continuously feed your plant friends fertilizer for up to two months so they stay nourished. These are ideal for the accidental plant serial killers who just want their plants to live (me).

    Plants after using the product

    7. A spray bottle of instant carpet spot remover because you don’t need to live with the shame of that ONE time you spilled red wine on your white rug.

    8. A two-pack of baby food pouch tops that prevents your little one from spilling all that precious, precious apple sauce (in this economy, we waste nothing).

    The product on squeezy snack bags

    9. A 12-pack of water bottle cleaners because let’s face it, there is probably a whole ecosystem of little critters living in your water bottle at this point, and even they want to be cleaned.

    10. A humidifier cleaning fish friend to help prevent dirt and sludge buildup in your humidifier without harsh chemicals, and it'll last over 30 days.

    11. A grape cutter that’ll cut grapes into quarters so your baby can eat grapes safely without you worrying about them choking.

    The product in a bowl of grapes

    12. A set of two easy-to-install faucet extenders so your toddler can reach the water when they wash their hands without you lifting them up.

    The product on a sink

    13. A three-pack of pill organizers with eight compartments to keep your pills, vitamins, and supplements straightened out while you're traveling.

    The product

    14. A pair of no-tie shoelaces that turn any pair of sneakers into slip-on shoes. These are also great for kiddos (or adults) who might struggle with shoe-tieing.

    15. A rechargeable electric lighter, so you don't have to worry about refilling lighter fluid. I have one of these, and it's a total godsend!

    reviewer holding the pink rechargeable lighter in front of lit candle

    16. A four-month supply of retainer cleaning tablets that can help remove discoloration stains and plaque while killing 99% of bacteria, because anything that goes in your mouth should be super clean.

    The product next to a glass with the product in it

    17. A six-pack of cable clip organizers with adhesive backings to keep all the wires on your desk from getting inextricably tangled which is maybe the most frustrating thing that can happen (besides getting a work email at 4:59 p.m. on a Friday).

    The clips on a desk with cables in them

    18. A drill brush power scrubber kit so you can deep clean your tub, shower, tiles, and grout without tiring your arms out from endless scrubbing. Also, it sounds super fun, tbh.

    The product on a wooden counter top

    19. A baseboard buddy cleaning tool that includes three reusable cleaning pads. Now, you don't have to get on your hands and knees Cinderella-style when you want to give your floor molding a good cleaning.

    The product covered in dust

    20. A Neutrogena makeup remover eraser stick you can toss in your purse so that you can take care of stray mascara or eyeliner smudges when you're out on the town.

    model using the makeup remover stick on their eye

    21. A cleaning brush that'll help remove leftover hair and gross dust from your hair brush — you'll be amazed at all the debris this handy little tool lifts out of there.

    The product next to a hair ball and a green brush

    22. A two-pack of spill-proof snack containers with soft flaps for easy access (or snackcess, if you will). Gone are the days of precious Gold Fish going to waste because your toddler has poor hand-eye coordination and loves to knock stuff over.

    The product in a child's hands

    23. A bag of Wad-Free sheet detanglers because it's the worst when your sheets get all tangled up in the dryer and take forever to actually dry. (Literally the dryer's only job). These can help your laundry dry up to 75% faster with fewer wrinkles.

    24. A 50-count of laundry detergent sheets that dissolve in water, so you can wash your clothes when you're traveling or on a camping trip with ease.

    the product in an orange container on a blanket

    25. An airplane phone holder mount with 360-degree rotation, so you can watch movies on your phone during your flight without having to hold it the whole time. Basically, it's a movie theatre experience thousands of feet in the air.

    The product displaying a phone on the back of a plane seat

    26. A cutlery organizer for your kitchen, so all your forks, knives, and spoons don't slide around in your drawer whenever you open and close it.

    The product in a drawer with utensils in it

    27. A set of two shelf dividers, so you can easily make more space in your closet without having to actually buy brand-new shelves.

    The product in between stacks of clothes

    28. A surge protector with six outlets and two USB charging ports because you're tired of fighting with your partner about who gets to charge their phone first. And it's a night-light!

    The product with multiple cords plugged into it

    29. A wood furniture repair kit that comes with six wood-colored markers and crayons, so you can cover up small scratches and scuffs on your favorite wood furniture without spending a ton.

    30. A battery-operated fabric shaver and lint remover for when your favorite sweater you've had since college starts to pill, but you don't want to throw it in the donate bin.

    on bottom: floral-print pillow with pilling on front. on top: matching pillow with no pilling after using the lint remover

    31. A tube of Foot Glide that'll help prevent blisters, so you don't have to dread breaking in that new pair of shoes you've been dying to wear — even if you're on vacation!

    someone using the product on their foot

    32. A cable management box to keep your pets or little ones from messing with them. And also because tangles and loose cords look super messy and are an eyesore.

    The white cable cord box hiding black cables

    33. A two-pack of car purse hooks to install on the back of the headrests, so your purse doesn't fall over when you slam on the breaks because your attention lapsed as you saw a cute dog on the sidewalk or wondered about the meaning of life and why we're all here anyway. Yes, this has happened to me at least 20 times.

    The product on the back of a headrest

    34. A three-pack of self-sealing toothpaste caps so you can keep nasty toothpaste grime off your counters and prevent major messes. Plus, it helps distribute the perfect amount of toothpaste, so you don't waste any.

    The product on toothpaste top

    35. A set of corner protectors to keep your baby safe from bonking their sweet 'lil head. And since they're clear, you don't have to worry about them clashing with furniture or sticking out too much.

    The product on a table corner

    36. A packing list notepad so you don't accidentally forget to pack suncreen on your next hiking trip or a bathing suit on your beach vacation. If you've ever left behind an essential on holiday, this is for you.

    The product on a wood table

    37. Space-saving roll-up compression bags that don't need an air compressor, so you can pack basically your whole closet while still fitting everything into a carry-on.

    clothes in the bags in a backpack

    38. A six-pack of slow-cooker liners because cooking delicious food in your slow cooker is super fun, but deep cleaning it afterward is not.

    A slow cooker with liner and chili in it

    39. Double-sided rust-proof shower curtain rings that you can hang your shower curtain and your curtain liner on to make bathroom setup a breeze.

    A shower curtain and liner hanging from the rings

    40. A clean ball you can stick in your purse or backpack that picks up all the lint, hair, and general filth sitting at the bottom of your bag.

    The product in someone's hand covered in hair

    41. A dishwasher magnet that takes the guesswork out of knowing if the dishes are clean or dirty. If your dishwasher isn't magnetic, it also comes with 3M adhesive so you can stick it right on there!

    42. A set of two stove gap covers because it is nearly impossible to clean out that space between the stove and the counter, and there is probably enough food debris down there to feed a whole family of rats (ew).

    The product in between a stove and a counter

    43. A pack of two stainless-steel tongue scrapers with travel cases, so you can make sure that even after eating deviled eggs, onion rings, and raw garlic, your breath still smells fresh.

    A hand holding the product

    44. A handheld garment steamer that heats up in 90 seconds, so you can de-wrinkle, steam, and soften your clothes on the go without worrying about damaging anything.

    45. A no-touch infrared thermometer you don't have to sanitize after using because you simply place it near the person's forehead rather than in their mouth, and it gives you results in one second.

    The product in someone's hand

    46. A mouse mover that'll randomly jiggle your mouse and prevent your computer from falling asleep because sometimes you want to step away from your work-from-home computer without worrying about your boss thinking you're slacking off.

    The product with a colorful circle design on it

    47. A BPA-free water bottle with time markers, so you can make sure you're drinking enough water throughout the day. Only clear pee from now on!

    Someone wearing white nail polish holding the water bottle

    48. A tub of Clear Museum Gel that you can stick to the bottom of your collectibles to secure them in place, so you don't have to stress about pets, children, or even an earthquake knocking them down. And the gel is easily removable if you're ready to rearrange your knickknacks.

    someone holding the product

    49. A tear-off daily planner that allows you to track your daily appointments, water intake, health goals, and achievements all in the same place.

    The notepad with someone's notes in it

    50. A color-changing wake-up light that mimics the sun rising when your alarm goes off that ~gently~ helps even the heaviest sleeper haul themselves out of bed. And it's an FM radio, so once you're awake, you can jam out to today's biggest hits!

    51. A cold brew coffee maker that produces four servings of cold brew with any type of coffee grounds that's less acidic than traditional coffee brewing for the person who cannot be a participating member of society without caffeine,

    The product on a brown counter

    52. A set of two reusable puffer fish dryer buddies to help lift and separate your laundry while reducing static to help your clothes dry faster. Saving on time and utility bills? Count us in!

    someone holding two of the fish in front of a dryer

    53. A pack of 12 pairs of moldable silicone earplugs that are super comfortable and great for sleeping, swimming, traveling, and going to loud concerts your friend dragged you to when you'd rather be at home with your dog.

    The product

    54. A magnetic ironing mat so that you can transform literally any flat surface into an ironing board. Bed? Ironing board. Floor? Ironing board. Surfboard? Ironing board. Anything can be an ironing board if you dream big enough! The possibilities are endless!

    The mat on top of dryer

    55. A desktop dry-erase board made of tempered glass for when you need to write down notes, reminders, or just doodle without having to look for a pen and a pad of paper.

    The white board next to a keyboard

    56. A pack of five pairs of silicone glasses temple sleeves to keep your glasses from sliding down your nose even when you're super sweaty.

    The product on glasses

    57. An extra large silicon freezing tray that holds up to one cup of liquid per section so that you can meal prep soup, freeze it, and then throw the cubes on the stove for an easy, no-mess meal.

    the product next to a bag of frozen soup cubes

    58. A set of two adorable fuzzy ball bath towel alternatives that are made of water-absorptive material that dries your hands super quickly.

    The towel balls hanging next to a bathroom mirror

    59. A gel-enhanced orthopedic seat cushion made of memory foam that helps with tailbone and back pain you can use while you're driving, working at your desk, or doing yoga.

    The product on a chair

    60. A roll of window screen repair tape you can use to patch any tears in your screen windows or doors without having to replace them entirely.

    The tape on a screen door

    61. A three-pack of sweat-wicking bra liners made of bamboo and cotton, because you're tired of worrying about boob sweat showing through your shirt while you're literally just trying to exist outside during warmer months.

    A person wearing a bra and a bra liner holding a liner

    62. And finally, a shirt folding board, so your closet can look like an organized retail store rather than the aftermath of a hurricane.

    The product in green with a shirt on it

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.