We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    54 Things That’ll Help You Cross Off Items On Your To-Do List When All You Wanna Do Is Watch TV

    After all, you've gotta clear up your schedule to finish The Fall of the House of Usher so we can chat about it.

    1. A pack of stain-removing, nontoxic cleaning cups that'll clean out your Keurig's innards once your coffee starts tasting a bit funny...and perhaps haunt your dreams when you see what the water looked like before. Time to sip on that cuppa and actually enjoy the taste of the coffee, not debris. 

    A customer review photo of the dirty water coming out of their Keurig after running the cleaning cup through it
    A customer review photo of their Keurig with a cleaning cup in it

    Promising review: "Okay, so these cleaner pods are awesome! I didn't know how gross our Keurig was until today. The big mason jar on the left is when I actually ran the cleaner through plus one rinse cycle. The middle one is another rinse cycle and the last one, on the right, is the last one I did. So yes, I would suggest running two or three rinse cycles instead of the recommended one. But it's still an awesome product for the price! I have a Keurig 2.0 and I had no issues." —Mads0421

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $9.95.

    2. A foaming garbage disposal cleaner you simply throw in your sink (the whole packet!) turn on the water and watch fizz up as it does the tough work below on all the gunk that OTHER PEOPLE have let build up in your disposal. You don't see them overzealously dumping, but you KNOW it's happening. 

    blue foaming cleanser pushing its way out of the sink drain

    Promising review: "Saw on TikTok (don’t judge) and automatically added to cart. So easy to use, takes probably a minute to fully bubble up and clean, and you’re left with a clean sink! I use with other drain cleaning products, but would 100% recommend for weekly maintenance." —Jessica Hamilton

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $10.09.

    3. LONDONTOWN Illuminating Nail Concealer can give you a no-mani mani that you can quickly brush on before an event instead of squeezing in a nail appointment.

    Reviewer photo of concealer in pink
    Reviewer holding concealer

    Promising review: "As much as I would love to have nice, manicured nails, i don’t spend money on manicures. Gels are damaging and regular manicures last a couple of days before peeling. I get regular pedicures bc they last but my hands have looked pretty unkempt for much of my adult life. Until now.

    I was definitely skeptical that this polish could be any different from one of the countless neutral Essie shades out there that I’ve tried since the '90s — Ballet Slippers, Light as Linen, etc., — but I decided to give the milky shade a try and I’m so glad I did!!! My nails look incredible. I’m not even sure how to describe why but they look very natural and clean. It’s been a week of wearing two coats and there isn’t one bubble or lift forming on the edges. One coat actually looks great also. I am sold on this stuff. Hopefully it will never be discontinued. So so happy." —Jann

    Get it from Amazon for $14+ (available in four colors).

    4. Plus, a necessary bottle of drying drops will get you on with your post-painting life much faster thanks to a single drop for each freshly polished nail.

    Model showing how to use the drops on nails
    A reviewer showing off their unsmudged nails after using the drops

    Promising review: "These 'drip dry' finishing drops are a total game-changer. A couple of years ago I broke the lifelong habit of biting my nails, and I did it by painting them a new color every time I got that nervous impulse. The only drawback to painting them so often is that it can be a serious time suck, and involve a lot of do-overs — especially if you're anything like me, and usually multitasking, and/or still getting the hang of DIY manicures. Enter these drops. They really do work immediately — and it really only takes a single drop on each nail. In under a minute, they're totally dry to the touch and impervious to dings or smudges. Gone are the days of flapping your hands and blowing on your fingers for 10–20 minutes at a time. Thanks, science!" —Katie B.

    Get it from Amazon for $13.50+ (available in two sizes).

    5. A jar of the The Pink Stuff — a cleaning paste made to handle all kinds of gross, stuck-on situations like that bathroom floor grout you came to terms with being dirty gray forever after a summer of kids dragging in yard sprinkler dirt. 

    Promising review: "Amazing. This grout has been disgusting for years and I haven't had any luck with any other cleaners to get it clean again. I'm amazed at how easy the Pink Stuff worked. I just used a scrub brush and very little elbow grease." —Lauren

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97.

    6. A bottle of nontoxic Folex Carpet Spot Remover that'll make all sorts of horrific stains disappear quickly. *And* there's no rinsing or vacuuming involved. 

    To use, apply to the stain, gently agitate with your fingers, and blot with an absorbent cloth. This is nontoxic and should be nonirritating on the skin!

    Promising review: "I had terrible rust and oil stains all over the seats of my car when I bought it. I tried other cleaners to get it out, but they actually made the stains darker. I took it to the dealership to see if they could get it out and they flat out told me no, so I gave up and lived with it for almost five years. I tried this after it was recommended by a friend. I sprayed it on and literally watched the stain run right off my seat. It was amazing! I thought I was going to have to pay hundreds of dollars to replace the seats in my car because nothing else would work. This stuff really is awesome!" —Brittany

    Get it from Amazon for $6.65+ (available in several sizes).

    7. A Momofuku ramen noodles variety pack as a quick 'n' easy meal for when all you wanna do is open a packet, boil some water, and then chow down. This is one of my favorite lazy meals and I'll keep buying these as long as they keep making them. 

    person eating noodles out of a bowl

    I tried out these noodles as part of the Ultimate Variety Pack and haven't looked back since. I want to ALWAYS have these in my kitchen cabinets. Yes, they're THAT good. I'm very lazy and have spent way too much money on takeout in my life, so I'm forever looking for a solution to help me get takeout-worthy food at home for the least amount of effort. These totally fit the bill. I also like to toss chopped scallions on top. I'll even even mix in sautéed veggies and chicken to help bulk up the dish...or just use up the stuff that I have that I know I need to eat. I adore them so much that I even bought my brother a big bundle of them for Christmas and he was VERY excited when he opened it because Momofuku and David Chang's amazing reputation precede them. 

    Get a 15-pack from Amazon for $37.98 (includes 5 servings each of 3 varieties) or get a 20-pack from Momofuku for $52 (includes 10 servings of the popular Soy & Scallion and 5 servings each of the other 2 varieties).

    8. A reviewer-beloved veggie chopper can make onion tears and food prep mess a thing of the past! This way, you can actually pull off that Pinterest recipe you've been meaning to make instead of paying Uber Eats $30 for Taco Bell. (Sometimes that's worth it, though.) 

    Reviewer putting a potato on a flip top lid cutter and bringing the lid down to chop it into pieces
    Model pressing down on top to cut an onion

    Fullstar is a small business established in 2017 that specializes in kitchen gadgets. 

    Check out a TikTok of the veggie chopper in action. 

    Promising review: "This thing is like magic. Super quick and nice clean cuts. Making soup is a freaking breeze, chopped potatoes and onions for breakfast home fries, like 30 seconds. I cut medium to large onions and potatoes in have then lay them in the chopper and give it a nice shove and there it is. Perfectly chopped so it all cooks evenly. I am in love! Nice and sturdy too." —John Willis

    Get it from Amazon for $23.95.

    9. A colorful compost bin that'll only add to your cheery kitchen aesthetic *and* its range of fun colors will draw attention to it so every member of your fam will actually put it to good use.

    bin on countertop

    Great news: it's dishwasher-safe.

    Promising review: "This compost bin is the perfect accent piece to our newly remodeled kitchen. I love the matte finish and the terracotta color surprised me with how well it goes with my pale-green and gray Ikea cabinets. It works well too. The filters and design of the top keep the odors trapped inside and it holds plenty of food waste. So happy with my purchase!" —Alisa L

    Get it from our Goodful shop for $40 (available in five colors)/

    10. An automatic bleach toilet cleaning system, because the last time you walked into the guest bathroom it reminded you that you've been wanting to rewatch Saw. (BTW, the latest one is pretty good!) 

    It's super quick to install, and one cartridge can last up to three months!

    Promising review: "This is an excellent invention for keeping the toliet bowl fresh without a tablet that harms the flush seal. I was frequently replacing the seals in the tank but with this setup the seals last and last." —Awesome Guy

    Get it from Amazon for $9.97.

    11. A mold and mildew removal gel because, well, remember that bathroom from Saw? Yeahhh. You can apply this and let it sit while it works its magic and you do other things. 

    Promising review: "It’s a little hard to squeeze but that totally makes up for the AMAZING results. I was embarrassed about our tubs because the people we bought our house from didn’t caulk or seal them properly and this resulted in mildew buildup. I tried EVERYTHING until I saw this on TikTok, I believe — MIRACLE FREAKING WORKER. I will be buying more, the only complaint I will ever have is the shipping got mixed up but that is not a problem and was fixed very easily!" —Brooklyn Nguyen

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99.

    12. A reusable roller dog hair remover might just have you toss your old sticky roller after you see how much fur this reusable one (it has a sturdy brush system) picks up off your beloved couch that both you and your dog have lounged on alllll summer, basking in the AC.

    GIF of reviewer using the chom chom roller to remove fur from a couch
    reviewer image of a chom chom roller open to reveal all the collected pet hair inside

    See the ChomChom roller in action on TikTok

    And check out this ~glowing~ review from my colleague Jenae Sitzes: "The tens of thousands of 5-star Amazon reviews are reason enough to add the ChomChom to your cart immediately — but let me add my own personal review to the stack. I've been using the ChomChom for quite a while now, but I took the photos above literally just now to show just how quick, easy, and effective this roller is. It took 10 seconds to rid my velvet couch ottoman (yes, velvet...a terrible cat owner choice, I know) of the hair my two gray kitties are constantly leaving everywhere. It takes a bit of practice to get the hang of using this roller — at first, I thought you only brushed down in one direction, and was confused why it wasn't picking up hair. It's important to do a push-and-pull brushing in *both* directions so it actually pulls the hair inside, which does require you to apply a bit of pressure. Afterward, you'll just dump out the hair that's been trapped inside. The ChomChom is best for large flat surfaces like couches and beds."

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99

    13. A Revlon hot air brush to dry and style your hair for a lot less effort than other techniques. Just rough dry a bit and then use the dryer brush to give yourself a blowout that'll make it look like you went to a dry bar. Finagling a round brush in one hand and a blow-dryer in another is HARD. 

    Reviewer who has straightened hair of their tight curly hair with the hot air brush
    Another reviewer with natural curly hair
    The same reviewer with their hair straightened with the hot air brush

    Promising review: "First time review and it’s because I’m so happy with this dryer/styler! My hair is about shoulder length, very fine with a slight curl, and now it has some gray to it. It’s also frizzy, no matter what I use. I’m 61 years old so trust me, I’ve used a lot of products! Never have I been able to get my hair to look like it did after leaving the salon, EXCEPT after using this. I watched some YouTube videos first for some pointers, and then I gave it a try. It’s easy to use, even though it’s bigger than I thought it would be. My hair came out beautiful! Smooth, soft, no frizz and lots of volume. Hope this review helps you anyone out there that have similar hair!" —Anon anon

    Get it from Amazon for $47.99+ (available in four styles).

    14. Or an ultra-fine continuous water mister wil refresh your hair in the morning after you've slept on it. Let's keep that air-dry style looking fresh instead of using more time, water, and hair products on a whole wash!

    Reviewer holding the spray bottle
    Reviewer with curls refreshed from spray

    Promising review: "Used for wetting my 2-year-old's hair. Could have used it for crafts, could have used it for misting plants, so many things. It’s super durable, I know because she dropped it a million times. You don’t need to refill it every day, it doesn’t use a lot of water in each spritz but it does feel like it. Incredibly smooth. Would buy again (and I will because I left it at my sister's while traveling)." —Savannah

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in four sizes). 

    15. A sleek Beast Blender to make your morning smoothie but then you can pop off the top and take it as a to-go cup. So that's one less step you've gotta do. 

    A white blender with a transparent glass top
    Model pulling off a to go cup of smoothie converted from the blender's top

    Check out a TikTok of the Beast Blender in action. 

    Here's what BuzzFeeder Maitland Quitmeyer — who has used it to make crepe batter, thick smoothies, and crushed ice — has to say about it: "If you like to start your day with a smoothie, like whipping up not-huge amounts of blended sauces or soups, or just hate dealing with (and washing) a full-size blender, the Beast Blender really might be the perfect one for you." Check out her full review of the Beast Blender for more deets! 

    Get it from our Goodful shop for $148 (originally $168; available in three colors).

    16. A no-scrub weekly shower cleaner you can simply just spray on after you shower, wait 8–12 hours while it tackles mold and mildew stains, soap scum, and just about any gross grime without YOU having to scrub. Talk about practical to the max. 

    reviewer's pic of a nasty dirty looking bathtub
    same reviewer's tub that's almost completely clean

    Promising review: "This product is so easy to use. As you can see from the pictures, my bathtub was staying pretty good. The guy who owned the house before me used Ajax to clean it so it has almost no enamel left on it and it’s probably the staining and nothing could get it out until I bought this. After 4 8-hour applications you can see the difference. I highly recommend this to everybody and once it’s completely clean I’m gonna go on the once a week application. I actually bought another bottle for my dad and mom." —Domenick R. Stamegna

    Get it from Amazon for $17.97.

    17. L'Oreal Paris root cover-up spray will help bridge the gap between your *real* roots and the time between colorings. After all, even when you do it at home the coloring process seems to be super time-consuming. 

    Plus, it's water-resistant!

    Promising review: "My hair grows somewhat fast so I find myself coloring my roots at minimum every two weeks, which I think is bad for my hair. This product has been a lifesaver in allowing me to extend that time frame some. I wish I had found it sooner!" —Mmandkcs

    Get it from Amazon for $8.19+ (available in eight colors).

    18. heatless curling rod headband — with a bit of planning beforehand — can give you a blowout-like effect while you get in your beauty rest. You simply wrap your hair before and then take it out while getting ready for your day. (Or night, like, if you're a vampire or something.) 

    Reviewer with the headband woven into their hair
    Reviewer with curly hair

    Each set comes with a curling rod, two hair scrunchies, a claw hair clip, and two duckbill hair clips to set it in place. These work best if you roll them with damp hair.

    Promising review: "Before purchasing, I’d seen a lot of reviews and tutorials on TikTok showing the results. My hair is thick, coarse, and naturally wavy, so I figured this might be a good alternative to rollers that are time-consuming to put in, difficult to sleep in, and ultimately not worth it. And MAN was I right to be hopeful. Wrap pieces of damp hair around it before bed, the tighter the wrap, the tighter the curl. Easy to sleep in since there’s nothing on the back of your head, and my curls are BOUNCY the next morning. My only complaint is that it doesn’t help give any top-volume, but nothing some teasing can’t fix. 10/10. I’ll never go back to a curling iron." —Mariah

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in six colors). 

    If you already have curls/coils and want a heat-free styler, check out these foam curling rods ($11.99 on Amazon) that reviewers with everything from 3a–4c hair love.

    19. LONDONTOWN Kur Instant Smudge Fix to *quickly* correct a very annoying situation. This is something I wish I knew about eons ago because I'm forever smudging my at-home AND salon manis when I decide to actually put in a lil' bit of effort.

    before pic of smudged nail polish and then an after pic of the same fingernail looking perfectly polished

    Promising review: "I rarely ding my nails, but did recently just as I was leaving the salon. I carry this with me in my manicure bag and it works perfectly. My manicurist was amazed! Highly recommend." —ZLIONNE

    Get it from Amazon for $20.

    20. Affresh dishwasher tablets that'll get rid of residue that ends up creating odor and buildup on your dishes. Turns out, you might not need a new dishwasher (or costly/time-consuming repair appointment), it just needs a proper cleaning after a summer of piling ice cream bowls in there.

    reviewer pic of residue coated dishwasher insides
    same reviewer's pic of the dishwasher insides looking super clean

    Promising review: "After using this product, I am happy to report that my $5 investment saved me over $500. I was ready to replace my dishwasher due to super cloudy glasses, residue, and dishes just not getting clean. Then, I became aware that the water softener was no longer doing its job so I had the rental company replace it. Dishwasher performance improved somewhat. I decided to do two more loads before deciding to purchase a new one. Then I saw a product test review for Affresh. I was ordering some stuff from Amazon anyway so I added that to my order. When it came, I tossed one of the tablets into the bottom of the full machine per the instructions and ran the regular cycle. I did not expect the results I got! The glassware that I thought was permanently etched and ruined came out like new. Same with cutlery. The difference is unbelievable. I will use this faithfully every month, as recommended. I can even put it on my subscribe and save order so I will get a new pack every six months. I am amazed!" —Sheila

    Get them from Amazon for $7.99.

    21. Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning stamp for an in-the-bowl solution that'll help keep things spic 'n' span for ya. 

    Gif of a hand stamping the gel in a toilet, the toilet flushing, and arrows showing how the gel is able to clean the bowl
    The stamp in its packaging
    Scrubbing Bubbles / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie8Pubca84E, www.amazon.com

    Check out a TikTok of the Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning stamp to see it in action! 

    Promising review: "I was sooo skeptical and was confused about how they’d work but the gel solidifies and with every flush, suds wash through with the water and it really makes a fresh difference. Also the scent is light but really nice and fresh! I recommend these 100%! They’re super interesting but they do the job." —Janet

    Get it from Amazon for $4.37

    22. A box of slow-cooker liners to make whipping up (and cleaning up) some soup easy-peasy without interrupting your Halloweentown movie marathon. Because nothing says cozy like soup. 

    slow cooker with plastic liners creating two sections for two different kinds of dip

    I adore my slow cooker but hate cleaning up after using it. So I use these handy lil' bags. Read my full review of Reynolds Kitchens Premium Slow Cooker Liners.

    Get a box of six from Amazon for $3.48.

    23. A set of NoNo Brackets, aka curtain rod brackets that fit onto your existing blinds so that you don't have to fool with drilling any holes for new window treatments.

    A customer review photo showing a close up of the bracket on the window
    A customer review before and after photo showing their window with vertical blinds and then with curtains

    Promising review: "This bracket is awesome and was extremely easy to install. We were able to hang curtains over our vertical blinds in just a few minutes and didn't even need any tools. Great product!!!" —Amazon Customer

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $14.95 (also available in brown).

    24. A six-pack of microwaveable peacadillo in salsa verde taco filling to help you craft a burrito bowl or Taco Tuesday worth writing home about for criminally easy. This stuff is SO GOOD and I'm a dang carnivore. And it's vegan, non-GMO, and gluten-free!

    bowl of pea based taco filling

    SOMOS is a Mexican-founded brand that specializes in flavor-packed plant-based entrees with the convenience of microwave pouches.  

    I've tried EVERYTHING in the SOMOS line after I was sent samples at launch. And then after I went through the samples, I bought a bunch of the product with my own money. Twice! And writing this reminds me that I need to do another order. This stuff is so so so good. And truly is just as easy as microwaving the pouch. I find that for me, I can do half a pouch of an entree and then half a pouch of a side (like cilantro lime white rice or Mexican brown rice) in a bowl, then top it off with a little bit of hot sauce (it's already quite flavorful!) and some green onions. Bam, there's your filling meal. 

    Promising review: "My husband is a carnivore and he was obsessed with this plant-based alternative. I am so happy to have found a healthy taco filling. It was also was delicious as a side dish!" —LEM2011

    Get them from Amazon for $32.99

    25. Or if you really wanna cut to the chase, a Somos protein-packed burrito bowl kit will provide just everything except a bowl and microwave. And it comes with two servings so you can share — or make a second meal out of it.

    box containing ingredients

    I'm a well-documented fan of Somos (see above) and have tried both this and the smoky chipotle mushroom version to great success. They made for excellent quick WFH meals on days when I didn't want to use my lunch hour (take that lunch hour!!!) standing over a hot stove. It comes with microwave packets for all the ingredients and when I'm making just one serving, I leave half the ingredients in the microwave packs, then just use the packs again to heat up for the next round. 

    Get it from Target for $9.79

    26. Essence's Lash Princess mascara for a super dramatic before and after. Prepare to get grilled about where you got your eyelash extensions. And lucky for them, you have a list at the ready because you've been trolling Yelp reviews to find the perfect spot to get said extensions but just hadn't made it there yet. 

    Before shot of a Buzzfeed editor without mascara
    After shot of BuzzFeed editor with long lashes
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    My colleague Emma Lord is all about this mascara. Here's what she has to say: "Hello, that is my face above, because I bought into the hype of all the 5-star reviews and now I will never look back!! Putting it on is like giving my eyelashes butterfly wings. It doesn't get clumpy, it stays put no matter how much you sweat, and you can apply it on very lightly if you don't want it to look so dramatic, or continue applying for longer lashes each time."

    Promising review: "Saw this product on TikTok and thought it would be expensive looking at the results they got. I am beyond amazed with how my lashes look after about two coats. For around $5 you couldn’t ask for a better mascara! I will be buying this same one when I run out. I was not expecting to like it as much as I do! No complaints." —Kd

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

    27. An Angry Orange pet odor eliminator that'll erase all the visual (and smelly) evidence of pet accidents on flooring and furniture. You don't need a new chair. You just need this. 

    Beige carpet with a brownish-gray stain in the middle of the image
    Beige carpet after using the spray, showing how the stain is now gone

    Promising review: "Magic. Unparalleled. Mattress/couch/carpet saver. Have never seen such a drastic difference between one product and all others in any category." —olga dedova

    Get it from Amazon for $19.97.

    28. Stain-lifting pads can tackle the icky pet stains on your wall-to-wall beige carpeting from when your poor dog didn't want to go use the bathroom outside when it was storming. 

    reviewer pic of brown pet stain on beige carpet
    reviewer's pic of the stain fading after two hours of treating it with the pad
    reviewer's pic of the stain now gone thanks to leaving the pad on overnight

    Promising review: "Our poor older pup started having some incontinence issues and had several accidents in the house. I was really frustrated until I found these. They work amazingly well. They're small, so if the area was larger I had to use two or three, but they pulled up stains and saved the house from being smelly. I even used one on an older stain (that I'm pretty sure wasn't pet related) and it came up after leaving it on for about 24 hours. I make sure to keep a supply of these in the house at all times now." —MC

    Get a pack of 20 from Amazon for $27.49.

    29. Mane Club 10-in-1 spray to spritz on your damp hair and let take care of basically every styling need for blowouts except finishing hairspray. It'll give you a super smooth blowout without filling up your medicine cabinet with products.

    hands holding two bottles of the product
    writer with blown out hair using the product
    Mane Club, Elizabeth Lilly / BuzzFeed

    Mane Club is a small business based in California that sells cruelty-free, vegan haircare products.

    I have a very thick head of naturally curly hair and have put it through just about everything, including all kinds of hot tools, at-home dye kits, the gamut of shampoo and conditioner types, basically every dry shampoo and hair oil in existence, and just about anything else to try for a story for you dear readers. Lots of products have either straight-up failed, been meh enough for me to not recommend, or fantastic but so costly that I feel guilty recommending them. Basically, a lot of stuff ends up in the trash or pawned off on my (grateful) friends when it isn't a fit for me. But THIS STUFF. This stuff has become my go-to for spraying on my wet hair and then blow-drying. Normally I'd apply a heat protector and an oil treatment or leave-in conditioner before blow drying. But this 10-in-1 treatment takes the cake! Most of the time when I use it, I don't even need to finish off my hair with hair oil (I've been doing that as an essential hair step for years now). It's really that good! Here, I have freshly blow dried hair with just this post-shower using this Amika blow-dryer brush. This brush is fantastic on its own but this spray-on treatment has more or less doubled this brush's effectiveness. My hair comes out feeling softer, looking shinier and healthier, and stays looking good for days — which is especially great news because I wash my hair about every four days. 'Tis time for me to unload a bunch of hair products I now no longer need to my friends.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95 or Mane Club for $10 (cruelty-free, vegan).

    30. A watermark-removing cloth that could also do wonders on the nail polish remover you dribbled down your bathroom vanity two years ago and you've been pretending like isn't there.

    nightstand with bleached out stains on it
    same nightstand without the stains

    Promising review: "Worked wonders! I spilled nail polish remover on my nightstand. This worked like magic! Just rub lightly with the cloth." —JMac

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

    31. An ~intense~ grout cleaner — it'll bring blackened grout back from the disgusting brink because you shouldn't want to wear shoes in the bathroom.

    tile floor with dark brown grout
    tile floor with light beige clean grout

    Promising review: "I never thought I'd be able to clean my grout out again without hiring someone professional to do it! But this cleaner did the wonder!!! I used it with my steam cleaner and here's the before and after pictures! I did dry brush it before I used the steam cleaner and I saw all the dirt getting out! It really works! It was hard work though, if I ever get a bigger house I might just hire someone to do it." —Chen

    Get it from Amazon for $19.98.

    32. Kitsch hybrid scrunchie towel to help your hair dry faster in case you're someone whose neck can't stand the mere thought of balancing a wet towel or turban on your head. And with this, you can get away with leaving the house with wet hair without being obvious. 

    Reviewer wearing microfiber towel scrunchie
    Reviewer wearing microfiber scrunchie

    Promising review: "Best scrunchie ever. I would give this 11/10. I want them in every color." —Rose D

    "I ordered this because I was sick of keeping a towel on my head for so long while my hair dried, and if I didn't have a towel, my shirt was soaking wet from my hair after a shower. For reference, I had very long, thick hair and it takes a while to air-dry — and I'm so happy I found this scrunchie! It's a lot bigger in person than it looks in the image, which is great because it covers more of your hair to help dry it. No more heavy towels on my head or tight towel wraps." —Meghan

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $13.19+ (available in eight colors and designs).

    33. A targeted cleaner that has a commercial-strength formula to cut through the mess to annihilate tough soap scum on shower doors, tub bottoms, sinks, whatever.

    filthy bathtub floor
    clean bathtub floor

    Promising review: "Our tub/shower has a grippy bottom and scum and dirt cakes on there so easily. The only way I've been able to get it off before was literally scraping it inch by inch, I've spent hours and all it ever got was somewhat clean — never enough for me to want to take a real bath in it. This stuff works amazingly!! I sprayed it on (it came with a great spray nozzle and a lid) and left it for about 15–20 minutes. Then I took a brush with hard plastic bristles and with less than 20 minutes of scrubbing the entire tub and walls, it was cleaner than when we moved in. The grime and scum almost melted off." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $21.88.

    34. A drill brush cleaning kit will attach to your drill/driver for an informercial-like cleaning sesh that'll have you seeking out all the dirty surfaces you've been ignoring. This'll handle all the elbow grease.

    caked on disgusting interior of oven
    same oven completely clean

    Useful Products is a US-based small business established in 2007 by car wash owner, electrician, and former bodybuilder Anthony LaPolla that specializes in drill-cleaning brushes and attachments. 

    Each of the different brush colors indicates which tasks the brushes are meant for based on their bristle type, so be sure to check which one is best suited for whatever you need to for! Yellow is the “all-purpose” medium bristle, but some are softer and harder depending on what types of surfaces you’re cleaning (but none of them will scratch!). 

    Promising review: "I manage many apartment properties and finding people to do the cleaning has been tricky business, so I end up having to get in and clean these horrendous filth pods tenants lived in and left me to deal with when they move out. The ovens and stove tops are usually the worst, and I absolutely hate cleaning. I came across this drill attachment set, and let me tell you, it helped me tremendously! I still had to get in with a putty knife on some of them but it really cut down my elbow-grease time." —alicia haats

    Get it from Amazon for $18.85 (available in six colors and stiffness levels).

    35. A bottle of Goo Gone foaming spray can help you win the good fight against the greasy spillage from that frozen pizza you left in the oven a bit too long. 

    Reviewer photo of dirty oven before using Goo Gone cleaner
    Reviewer photo of dirty oven after using Goo Gone cleaner

    Promising review: "Wow! A degreaser that actually works! I love the foam, which starts to work immediately on my stove top as well as cookware and other kitchen surfaces." —P. Webb

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in two sizes).

    36. A Baseboard Buddy, which is really just fancy talk for a 4-foot extendable pole that makes cleaning molding, ceiling fans, grates, and, yes, baseboards easy without grabbing a ladder or making your knees sore. 

    a reviewer showing a dirty baseboard buddy pad
    a before and after of a reviewer's once dusty baseboards

    The kit comes with one Baseboard Buddy and three reusable pads which can be used wet or dry. 

    Promising review: "Buy it NOW. Honestly, I had huge reservations for this thing. Yet another miracle cleaning tool that will break or bend or something. I was so wrong. It was easy to put together and I sprayed it with Mean Green and went to the baseboards. No more kneeling and no broken back. This thing is amazing. It is durable and the pad is super absorbent. I am so happy. I can't wait to do the rest of the house!" —artgirl

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99

    37. Grandma's Secret, an under-the-radar solution with serious stain-removing prowess — like, cleaning pen from a white leather couch. Chilling!

    white leather couch with tons of pen scribbles on it
    the same couch without the pen scribbles

    It can remove oil, grease, ink, grass, and blood stains for all my vampires out there. Psst, a few months ago I recommended this to a friend who fell in a puddle of motor oil on a sidewalk, then accidentally wiped it on her camel coat. It got the stains out!

    Promising review: "This stuff is so amazing. I'm a witness. My 2-year-old baby wrote all over my white leather couch. I tried different things and nothing work but Grandma's Secret Spot Remover. I love this stuff." —L. Nix

    Get it from Amazon for $9.49.

    38. A dishwasher magnet so everyone in the house is on the same page about whether it's OK to eat off a plate that's in the dishwasher.

    gif of hand switching indicator from clean to dirty
    Sally Elshorafa / BuzzFeed

    Promising review: "I got this because my mother has dementia and she kept putting away dirty dishes. 🤦🏽‍♀️ And believe it or not she has actually been using it and it definitely has been working! So I highly suggest buying this for parents or someone you know who has a similar problem!" —Raquel

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99 (also available in black).

    Also check out a version that's completely silver without the red or green for $19.95.

    39. A red wine stain remover you should keep on hand because, well, accidents happen! But you can be prepared for (at least some of) them!

    red wine spilled on a light gray rug
    the same rug clean without a stain

    Promising review: "This stuff is magic! Works in seconds! I highly, highly recommend." —Diane Harper

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99.

    40. cereal dispenser because you sorta miss the similar cereal situation from your college dining hall (or maybe that's just me?) and when you leave cereal in the boxes they tend to topple over and make a mess. Plus with this, your breakfast will stay fresher and within arm's reach of every family member. Finally, the kids can help themselves while you knock another task off your to-do list!

    reviewer pic of the black cereal dispenser holding two types of cereal
    Reviewer gif of someone dispensing the cereal into a bowl

    Check out a TikTok of the cereal dispenser in action. 

    Promising review: "We have three kids and a very small kitchen with very little cabinet/counter space!!! We used to keep our cereal boxes on top of our refrigerator, but I've been trying to declutter and also come up with a solution for our kids to be able to get their own cereal in the mornings. THIS IS IT!!!! It looks great on our counter, and we have very little space, so it fits just right! This has been the perfect solution to giving our kids the independence they need to get their own breakfast! It has been a lifesaver!!! Love it!!!" —tenle

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99

    41. An oil stain remover capable of annihilating that grease stain that you thought made your garage or driveway a goner. Yeah your pal's pickup they parked in your driveway on the 4th of July is responsible for it and you've been scratching your head about what to do with it since. 

    Promising review: "Changed the oil on my girlfriend's car and some oil spilled on my NEW driveway...which I didn't notice 'til four days later. Four spots all about the size of a dollar bill baking in the Arizona sun for four days. Put the stuff on (sits on the stain like pancake batter — don't be afraid to pour liberally) and let it sit from 6 p.m. 'til about 9 a.m. the next day. It dried and the instructions said to just sweep the stuff up (right, like I am not going to need a scraper and wire scrub pad for an hour. HA). Well it broke apart with the broom and the stains were gone, just swept up the powder pieces — took about a minute. I WAS SHOCKED! Something that actually works on oil and it's easy." —AmazonBob

    Get it from Amazon for $16.97.

    42. A TubShroom for clearing recently departed strands out of your shower drain sooo much faster.

    reviewer pic of a bunch of hair around the Tubshroom that the product caught before it going down the drain
    a reviewer's pic of the tubshroom in a shower drain with it sticking up a little out of the drain

    Sorry not sorry, but I'm also obsessed with this product! I have thick, long hair and have lived with other people with a lot of hair. This thing is totally game-changing! If you don't believe me (EVEN THOUGH YOU SHOULD), check out the below:

    Promising review: "I have a blue heeler who sheds like a wild beast. Before I had the TubShroom my bathtub would clog every time and I'd have to go buy Drano. Now I don't have to worry about that at all. This thing really does stop all hair, I am so surprised at how awesome this inexpensive product is. I would highly recommend this product to all pet owners or you Bigfoot-type folk." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99+ (available in six colors; also available in a sink version).

    43. Green Gobbler drain clog dissolver that'll work FAR better than the other stuff at clearing your pipes. Plus, there's no awful smell! (This is one of my new faves.)

    The formula is nontoxic and odorless.

    Promising review: "I had a stubborn toilet clog which neither my son nor I could clear with a plunger or a snake. I bought this product with hope...but ...skepticism. I used it the night I received it and when I flushed in the morning, nothing happened... until I got back to my bedroom and heard the water go down!! I like to use 'green' products that are effective. I'm sold on this one!" —Leland Girl

    Get it from Amazon for $11.97.

    44. A pizza sampler pack handmade in Naples and shipped straight to your door. And you better believe, they taste like it! Just pop one in the oven, slice it up, and buon appetito! Customer faves include the Margherita pie and Tartufina — a delicious lazy dinner with porcini mushrooms, truffles, and Fior Di Latte Mozzarella. 🍕 

    BuzzFeed editor Elizabeth Lilly holds frozen Tartufina pizza made in Italy
    Elizabeth Lilly/BuzzFeed

    I think I've found the best of the best frozen pizza out there in Talia di Napoli pizza. It is, my god, just soooooo delicious. The company makes the pizzas in Naples (Italy, not Florida) with, well, real Italian ingredients and ships them to you.

    Each pizza only takes 9–10 minutes to heat in your oven and comes out just perfectly crusty. I've had the Tartufina and Artichoke pies and can vouch that they are oh-so delicious, and you can easily polish one off solo.

    Now, I realize that these pizza shipments are quite an investment in comparison to picking up a few DiGiornos at your local grocery stores. But these are truly a different experience and feel like an actual treat...unlike frozen pizzas of yore.

    Get the Double Cheese Magherita and Tartufina pack from Talia di Napoli for $50 (includes 1x margherita, 1x Tartufina).

    45. carpet cleaning solution with results so impressive (just cast your eyes below this text!) that you may have to bleep out your own reaction. Get ready to break up with your carpet cleaner rental spot. Remember when your carpet was beige instead of greige?

    It's from a family-run small business that specializes in cleaning products, especially ones for homes with pets!

    Promising review: "After reading the reviews I thought I could at least try it, and holy smokes, this is a miracle cleaner!!! I think I have tried every cleaner on the market for pet stains and nothing ever really works on my carpets. Even if I get it off the top, it somehow comes back up. My crazy dogs hate the rain and they have one spot that they always go on when they decide they are not going outside. I have cleaned the spot probably 100 times. I cleaned this area one time with this cleaner and my spot steam cleaner and it is completely gone! The stain and smell are 100% gone, not just covered up like before, completely and absolutely gone. Miracle cleaner for sure!" —PLLane

    Get it from Amazon for $19.50.

    46. An MVP-worthy pet urine stain–removing spray to help turn back the clock on that ancient stain in the hallway outside your bedroom. 

    Reviewer image of a stained carpet
    Reviewer image of same carpet now clean

    Rocco & Roxie Supply Company is a family-owned small business established in 2013 that specializes in pet odor eliminators, pet toys, pet snacks, and pet accessories.

    Promising review: "I don’t know how I ever survived without this. There’s tons of 'pet stain/odor remover' products out there, but this by far is the absolute best. I cringed paying the $20 for it when others are between $5–$10, but I have NO ISSUES paying now. I foster dogs, some puppies, some older, some not house broken and every room in my house is carpeted except the kitchen which means I have lots of accidents. I spray enough to saturate if it’s a lot of urine, let it soak for 10 minutes then wipe it up with a hand towel. Then I put a larger towel on top of it if it’s in a high-traffic area until it’s completely dry. It’s taken out every stain and more importantly the odor is gone! I will never stop buying this product. I recommend it to everyone who has dogs!" —Shelley

    Get it from Amazon for $19.97.

    47. A jetted tub cleaner that'll make you gag with delight once you run it through your system and all the pipe filth emerges like some Ghostbusters sludge. Oh, and it's septic safe.

    reviewer's pic of a jacuzzi style tub with lots of dirty foam in it
    reviewer's hand holding the bottle of cleaner

    Promising review: "OK, so I am somewhat of a clean freak and I run bleach through the jets prob twice a month on top of my weekly cleaning. And I was skeptical how this product could get it any cleaner than I thought it was. Well I am here to tell you this pic is after the second cleaning with this cleaner!!!! I am a believer and would highly recommend this product to anyone with jetted tub!!" —Momof2greatboys

    Get it from Amazon for $17.84.

    48. A scratchy lil' tool can FINALLY get all the pet hair off your fabric surfaces both inside your house and car. You'll wonder how you lived without it up until now.

    inside of reviewer's car with tons of pet fur on the floor
    inside of same reviewer's car with a pet fur-less floor thanks to the tool

    Promising review: "This this is like magic. Our van was nasty and covered with hair from a German and Australian shepherd. Looked brand-new after. Don’t think about just buy it. It will blow your mind." —Dan

    Get it from Amazon for $11.08.

    49. Magic Eraser cleaning sheets will fit into all the nooks and crannies you wish your OG Magic Eraser could fit — like that air vent in the living room.

    Promising review: "I had a ventilation cover that was disgustingly dirty. I tried 409 and other detergent, but the grease build up was so heavy to remove. I used Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Extra Durable. It cleaned most of it, but the edges were still dirty. Then I used Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Sheets. I folded it to make it stronger and used a chopstick to rub vigorously. It cleaned all the grease and now it looks like a brand new. These erasers are amazing. The tougher it is the better it works. In other words, if the surface is not so dirty, regular cleaning method may work better." —Saporica

    Get three 16-packs of wipes from Amazon for $23.49.

    50. A hanging frame helper so you can finally get all your wall art up and make it feel like home. (You can only lean so many framed prints against the wall as a "look.")

    the framing tool

    We all have that stack of leaning framed art we just haven't gotten around to hanging just yet. This tools helps you measure your wall art that needs hanging and then measure out the perfect place to install hardware.

    Promising review: "I had three large, heavy pictures that required two dry wall anchors for each picture. Since a small error in the location installation of the dry wall anchors would have a detrimental impact on our walls, it was critical that we hung the pictures perfectly the first time. I bought this to help. Not only did this tool help to ensure each picture was level, but it also helped to ensure that ALL three pictures were aligned. We completed the hanging process in less than 30 minutes." —Lara Elizabeth Buhl

    Get it from Amazon for $17.28.

    51. A stackable can rack to help your pantry look like a grocery store of staples and let you zero in on where that can of black beans is that you require for your neighborhood-famous chili recipe.

    vertical metal rack with three rows designed to hold cans that roll to the front when one can is taken out
    the can holder in the pantry

    Made from heavy-gauge steel and can store up to 36 cans of various sizes.

    Promising review: "These units were easy to assemble. They felt sturdy. I love that they are made of metal and not cheap plastic. I'm considering buying two more, and going side by side and stocking up on can goods!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $22.97.

    52. A slim profile pull-and-rotate cabinet organizer if you like to have your spice labels closer to your eyeballs when looking for JUST the thing your chicken needs to be perfectly seasoned. 

    Promising review: "TikTok inspired me. Guys, this thing is the real deal. Everything that doesn't fit on my spice rack ended up cluttering my cabinets. This thing solved that problem efficiently, quickly, and reasonably. We added a little extra double sided tape to the bottom to make it extra secure. Love it." —Kaitlyn B. 

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99

    53. An expandable under-sink kit will fit around awkward pipes in the bathroom while giving some sturdy ground to those bottles of cleaner and rolls of toilet paper. No more cabinet avalanches!

    reviewer's pic of under bathroom sink with jumble of cleaning products
    the same under the sink now organized with a shelving unit

    Promising review: "Great product for a great price. Very sturdy, but lightweight and small — under my bathroom sink is *very* small, and the metal frame is thin enough that it doesn't take up much space, and of course it allows me to utilize the empty vertical space instead of shoving things all the way to the back wall. I might rearrange the shelves, but it's just held with screws on each end so that's easy enough to do-comes with two supports for two shelves, but you can choose from four heights/positions. 👍🏻 Might need to order a second for under the kitchen sink..." —Jennifer Mowry

    Get it from Amazon for $23.87 (available in two finishes).

    54. standing weeder (without the chemicals!) to help improve your view of your yard. You're not the only one who has trouble enjoying weed-filled scenery. And hey, while you're weeding with this there's no bending over! Your back will thank you.

    Made with a bamboo handle and powder-coated steel, it uses a simple lever system to made weeding easy.

    Promising review: "Oh my god, I friggin' love this tool. I bought this on a whim given we bought our first house and know nothing about caring for a yard. Boy has it come in handy. Our new house had a ton of weeds in the front yard and this tool helped me get most of them out in no time. In fact, the process of yanking out the weed was strangely satisfying! I don't think anyone can say that weeding is fun but this tool made it as close to fun as you can get, especially when you see a long root along with the weed you pulled." —JG

    Get it on Amazon for $39.99.

    Me realizing how each The Fall of the House of Usher ep ties into a Poe story: