From "Legally Blonde" To "Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory", Here Are 19 Movie Facts You Might Not Have Heard Of

    "Every single frame in Home Alone contains something red and green in it."

    We all love a little bit of movie trivia, so when u/Kuli24 asked "what's a movie fact you know that pretty much no one else does?" I decided to round up the best answers:

    1. "The theme song from Mission Impossible spells out 'MI' in Morse code on repeat."

    2. "When filming the rooftop scene in The Departed, a giant inflatable Arthur the Aardvark on top of a nearby children's museum would have dominated the background of many of the shots."

    3. "In Edward Scissorhands, the version shown to critics and reviewers contained a scene that got cut from the final theatrical version. The scene was during the opening when the grandmother starts telling her story to the little girl."

    4. "The original choice for Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story was Billy Crystal. He turned it down and went on to say it was one of the biggest mistakes of his career."

    5. "In the first Shrek movie, Lord Farquaad is removing all the fairy tale creatures from the swamp. He wants Shrek's home too. In the old DVD extras they explain it’s because he wants to build a theme park there. It’s not explained at all in the movie."

    6. "In Contagion, the autopsy performed on Gwyneth Paltrow used a prop head that was originally made for the finale of Se7en. The latter decided against showing what was in the box and thus, years later it was repurposed."

    7. "In Wayne’s World, when Wayne plays "Stairway to Heaven" and the store clerk points to a sign that says 'No Stairway to Heaven', the audience is led to believe the clerks banned the song because they were tired of hearing it."

    8. "Robert Englund originally auditioned to be Luke Skywalker but didn't get the role. He told his roommate Mark Hamill to go try out instead."

    9. "In Pixar's Coco, the boy who was going to play Miguel hit puberty, changing his voice. The people in charge replaced him with someone younger. The original boy got a cameo where he is the guy working the stage asking Miguel if he's ready to go on."

    10. "Elle Woods has a different hairstyle in every scene in Legally Blonde."

    11. "In Jurassic Park when Dennis slips in the mud after getting his Jeep stuck. There is a slide whistle sound effect. I can't unhear."

    12. "In Aliens, as Hicks picks his shotgun off the deck, jams it in the alien's mouth, yells 'eat this' and blows it away, that whole scene was shot backwards. It's because the actor, Michael Biehn, couldn't perform the move properly, so it was shot backwards, played in reverse, and then sound dubbed over it."

    13. "The crew agreed to do the shower scene in Starship Troopers so long as the director was also naked. And he was."

    14. "In Titanic, the lake in Wisconsin where Jack says he fell through the ice didn't exist yet."

    15. "Every single frame in Home Alone contains something red and green in it."

    16. "In Fight Club, in the scene where Ed and Brad wreck in the car, Ed crawls out of the driver's side, an early clue that he is Tyler. The part that few know is that there was an argument about it. Production thought it was a continuity error. Fincher was like 'nah' and didn't explain."

    17. "The couple kissing in Hook as Peter and Tinkerbell fly over them are George Lucas and Carrie Fisher."

    18. "Before casting Martin Lawrence and Will Smith to be the two cops in Bad Boys, producers were trying to make it work with SNL’s Dana Carvey and Jon Lovitz. The script was originally named Bulletproof Hearts."

    19. "In Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, when the Candyman starts singing he lifts the counter to walk out and the counter smacks this little girl in the head."

    H/T to u/Kuli24 and AskReddit for having this discussion!

    Note: All submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

    Do you have any other unknown movie facts? Let me know in the comments below.