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18 Cheap Ways To Decorate For The Holidays

It's going to look a lot like Christmas when you're done here.

1. Create a charming fireplace for under $30.

2. Explore places like Burlington Coat Factory, TJ Maxx, and Dollar Tree for great deals on classic decor and DIY supplies.

3. Let your mantle sparkle all winter with touches of metallic.

4. Use all the extra wrapping paper you've already purchased to help bring your festive feelings into your space.

5. If you're having a dinner party, use mini stockings for place settings.

6. Bring the twinkle of the holidays home by adding Christmas lights to jars you have lying around the house.

7. Find decorating inspiration in the shallow depths of nature (aka your backyard).

8. Make a card display to showcase the festive holiday cards you're already receiving.

9. Put your ornaments on a pedestal and you'll have a charming centerpiece for any holiday table.

10. Get free decor by simply printing and framing it at home.

11. Pick out classic but festive decor pieces you can use all year round.

12. Dress up your favorite store-bought evergreen garland with easy-to-make pom-poms.

13. Bring in kraft paper to create a rustic setting on any table that'll make clean-up a breeze.

14. Create decorative pillows by using old sweaters and the pillows you already have.

15. Save money and space by decorating the plants you already have like they're your Christmas tree.

16. Get your kitchen into the spirit with DIY tea towels.

17. Greet your guests with a festive DIY berry wreath that you can make for under $20.

18. Or turn your house into a cozy oasis by piling fuzzy and knit accessories onto your existing decor.