18 Reasons Jess Mariano Is Still Rory's Best Boyfriend

    This is less "opinion" and more "cold, hard fact".

    1. Hi! By now you've finished watching Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, otherwise you wouldn't have clicked on this post that is going to be rife with spoilers, so I'd like to talk to you about the real hero of Stars Hollow: Jess Mariano.

    2. Yeah, maybe he was only in the show for a grand total of Not Enough Time, but he's still the hero, and I'm going to tell you why.

    3. Let us begin with some background: Jess and Rory were always the cutest couple in Stars Hollow. They just worked.

    4. Unlike SOME people, Jess never had to prove he was on the same level as Rory.

    5. And he had an actual personality, unlike rich-boy Logan and wet-blanket Dean.

    6. And if you never swooned over Jess Mariano, you're lying to yourself and you're lying to me and I thought you were better than that.

    7. Sure, he had his problems, but Jess has always inspired Rory to be a better person, like when he encouraged her to go back to Yale.

    8. And he's STILL inspiring her 15 years later. He's the one who gave her the idea for Gilmore Girls!!!

    9. And when Rory started on the book, Jess was the first* person she wanted to tell.

    10. Rory always inspired him too – when the whole town thought Jess was just a badly behaved kid, Rory believed in him and encouraged him to live his dreams.

    11. We saw it towards the end of the original series, but Jess completely changed from the once-petulant teenager who treated Rory pretty badly.

    12. Don't you find it really annoying when people think YOU'RE still the same person you were when you were a teenager? The new series is just even further proof that he's changed. He does sincerity now.

    13. When Rory is feeling down about her situation, Jess is the one to comfort, encourage, and inspire her. He just swoops in and cleans up everyone's mess, like the hero he is.

    14. Even his relationship with Luke has totally flipped. Jess is now a responsible adult who can talk openly about feelings, like maybe how he should talk about his feelings for Rory.

    15. Even Lorelai likes him now! Lorelai not liking Jess was a big whole deal 15 years ago but that drama is over because now she knows he's the perfect man for Rory.

    16. So look. Yes, Jess may have told Luke that he's "over" Rory. But you don't lovingly gaze at someone through the window like this if you're "over" them.

    17. **Ahem**

    18. Case closed.