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Just A PSA That This Is What Colin Firth Looked Like In His Twenties

You're welcome in advance.

I know you know who Colin Firth is. You probably remember him for his turtleneck in Love Actually, or his terrible, but somehow still quite endearing, singing and dancing in Mamma Mia!

There's no denying Colin Firth is a silver fox.

But, guys, have you seen young Colin Firth? I'm not talking, like, Bridget Jones's Diary Colin Firth.

I'm not even talking about '90s Pride and Prejudice BBC miniseries Colin Firth.

I'm talking about young, in his twenties, starring in his first movie (it's called Another Country, if you're interested, which I KNOW YOU ARE) Colin Firth.

"You mean this Colin Firth?" I hear you say.


At first I was like, "That can't be Colin Firth!"

But, guys, it is. It is Colin Firth.

And now I'm dead.