People Have Finally Seen "Avengers: Infinity War" And They're Tweeting Their First Reactions

    "Imagine taking a giant bowl and filling it with every flavor of ice cream and every topping."

    So, if you didn't know, last night the Avengers: Infinity War world premiere took place in LA and a few very lucky people got to see the film in all its glory for the first time ever.

    This is a huge deal, because until now, hardly anyone on the planet knew exactly what happens in the movie. Including the cast.

    As a result of this ~high level of secrecy~, fans have been freaking out pretty much non-stop for the last few months, trying to figure out whether Thanos will get his hands on all six Infinity Stones and, most importantly, which of our beloved superheroes are going to die.

    And since some people have now actually seen the film, they're tweeting their non-spoiler-y reviews. Buckle up, guys.

    This person said it was like Captain America: Civil War "times 20", and said after she watched it she wanted to walk right back in and see it again.

    AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR is basically CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR times 20, except with less hero-on-hero fighting. I think people who loved the airport fight in CIVIL WAR like I did will go nuts for this film, and people who were bored will be 20 times as bored here. #InfinityWar

    But personally, if I'd seen #InfinityWar for the first time at a normal screening in a normal theater, I would have walked out afterward, bought another ticket, and walked right back in for a second viewing. That's how much I was into it.

    And THEN she said she's never seen any audience react like they did to the ending of Infinity War, and I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS.

    Another thing: I've been reviewing films for decades now, and I have never heard an audience react to the end of a film like the #InfinityWar audience reacted tonight. It was an astonishing experience. (And it's another reason I want to see the film again in a packed house.)

    There was more than one comparison to The Empire Strikes Back.

    #InfinityWar is everything you want, nothing you expect. It’s funny, surprising, dark, filled with delightful interplay between characters never seen on screen before. I know many filmmakers say they are trying to make a sequel in the vein of Empire Strikes Back, this succeeds.

    "Avengers: Infinity War" puts all the stakes on the table. It could be "Empire Strikes Back" of superhero films, where you are put through the ringer OR Marvel could renege on everything we witnessed, & spit in the face of its fans in Part 2. Hope not #Avengers #InfinityWar 2/2

    A lot of people said it's more humorous in the vein of Guardians of the Galaxy, with some super-satisfying superhero interactions.

    I saw #AvengersInfinityWar earlier tonight and I can say that it delivers. There's a lot of really fun character interactions, some cool action moments (Thor's powers, Iron Man's suit), and a few powerful emotional beats. Most of the humor is 👌🏻 Also Captain America is 💥

    #AvengersInfinityWar is the MCU's biggest soap opera ever, and that's not a bad thing. Feels more like a sequel to Guardians, and you'll get to see what makes a Mad Titan tick. We will have A LOT to unpack soon.

    #AvengersInfinityWar is my second fave @Marvel movie after #BlackPanther. The superhero interplay is hilarious and surprising at every turn. The action is monumental. And there are actual stakes this time around. Kevin Feige is not f-cking around with this one.

    And others pointed out it's ~definitely~ only the first half of "a six hour epic" – because the fourth Avengers movie is set to come out next year.

    Anyone who writes a review of #AvengersInfinityWar has their work cut out for them, because you’re literally reviewing half a movie. That said, for the first half of a six hour epic it’s pretty nuts, full of more pluses than minuses, but certainly not a full experience.

    #InfinityWar is a whole lot to process. I liked it a lot, and there’s so much that works, but it definitely is “Part 1.” The ending is amazing and worth the journey, but there is a LOT crammed into its run time. Overall really liked it but need a rewatch already.

    Some people just lost all words and decided to use emojis to express their feelings about the film instead.

    #InfinityWar Emoji Pre-Review: 🤣😳🤬🤯🔥🔥🔥🔥☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️😉 (embargo for actual reviews lifts 4/24 6pm EST!)

    Non-spoiler AVENGERS: #INFINITYWAR emotions:, in no particular order: 🔥🔥😬💔😱🕷💫🚀🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨💥💥💥💥😭😳😳🔥🔥🔥💥💥💥💥👁😬🌏🍂🙈✨⚡️⚡️⚡️🥃 Not saying ANYTHING else.

    And with all those skull and explosion emojis, it's safe to say I'm in no way prepared for what's to come.

    And this person summed the whole thing up pretty concisely:

    #AvengersInfinityWar: Imagine taking a giant bowl and filling it with every flavor of ice cream and every topping.

    So basically, catch me running to the cinema as fast as my legs can carry me for opening weekend.