21 Things Teens Do In Movies That British Kids Will Never Experience

    It's a whole other world across the pond.

    1. Anyone who grew up in Britain will know that watching American teen movies came with a lot of FOMO.

    2. British teens will never know the struggle of trying to pick out the perfect outfit for school in the morning, because we have to wear uniforms.

    3. And we definitely aren't allowed to ~customise~ those uniforms.

    4. There's no way we could drive a car to school, because we can't take our driving test until we're 17...

    5. And even if we did pass our test before we left school, there's no way that we'd actually have our own car.

    6. We can't imagine spending our Saturdays watching school sports games, because all of our teams were really crap, and none of the players ever looked like Chad Michael Murray.

    7. And we'll also never understand the concept of sports scholarships. You get to go to university for less money because you play sports?

    8. British teens will never experience cheerleading, which is a damn shame. We just can't even imagine having enough school spirit.

    9. And don't even get us started on pep rallies. I'm not entirely sure what a pep rally is, but British teens are definitely lacking in "pep".

    10. In American movies, they have dances for every single tiny occasion. Spring? DANCE. Winter? DANCE. Halloween? DANCE.

    11. We have prom, but it's basically a facsimile of what we all know prom is meant to be: spiked punch, limousines, and an "Under the Sea" theme.

    12. Not to mention British teens will never get the opportunity to be on the Prom Committee, because that's not a thing.

    13. We'll also never experience the riotous fun of a prom after-party, because all British teen house parties consist of a few people going to that one person's house whose parents are chill, drinking Frosty Jack's, and ordering pizza.

    14. Honestly, the gigantic houses and lack of parental supervision in American movies is what most British teens were most jealous of.

    15. American movies taught us that everyone fits perfectly into one of several very specific groups, but that just doesn't happen in Britain.

    16. And we will just never understand why, in movies, everyone is constantly in awe of the "mean girl".

    17. The lack of cliques means that no one feels it's necessary to take in the new girl and give her a makeover.

    18. Movies also taught us that our summers would be filled with pool parties, which no one in Britain ever has, because no one has pools.

    19. And if it wasn't pool parties, it was camp. Everyone in movies complained about camp, but it actually looked pretty cool, tbh.

    20. British teens will never get to experience the glory of high school graduation, because we are just thrown out into the wilderness and expected to fend for ourselves.

    21. But most of all, we'll never get the relief of receiving your college acceptance letter. Because instead, we have to go through the hell that is UCAS.