The "Outlander" Cast Played Who's Who, And The Biggest Winner Was Rollo

    Alexa, play "The Skye Boat Song."

    These lads and lasses are the cast of the hit Starz series Outlander:

    So, to celebrate the premiere of the sixth season, we had the cast — Sam Heughan, Caitríona Balfe, Richard Rankin, Lauren Lyle, Sophie Skelton, and César Domboy — join us via Zoom to play a game of Who's Who!

    A closeup of Richard Rankin smiling during the Outlander interview

    This video is neck-and-neck with the theme song of the series in terms of iconic-ness:

    View this video on YouTube

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    In the video, we find out who's most like their character (spoiler alert — it's Rollo):

    And who's most likely to direct an episode of Outlander next season (spoiler alert — it's Rollo):

    AND who's most likely to nail a monologue on the first take (spoiler alert — it's, you guessed it, Rollo):

    Be sure to catch the cast — including Rollo!!! — on Season 6 of Outlander, airing Sundays on Starz: