21 Very Important Life Lessons From "Parks And Rec" That Are Better Than Anything You Learned In School

    "There has never been a sadness that can't be cured by breakfast food."

    We asked the members of the BuzzFeed Community to share the best life lessons they learned from Parks and Recreation. Here are the most inspirational replies:

    1. The importance of time management.

    2. The importance of putting yourself first sometimes.

    3. The importance of therapy.

    4. The importance of food and the happiness it can bring us.

    5. The importance of doing the work for work-sake, not for accreditation.

    6. The importance of understanding people's differences.

    7. This importance of falling down, but getting back up.

    8. The importance of female friendship.

    9. The importance of any friendship, really.

    10. The importance of being your own role model.

    11. The importance of being proactive and taking responsibility for your actions.

    12. The importance of being your own goddess.

    13. The importance of love and what it means to you.

    14. The importance of maintaining one's perspective.

    15. The importance of having a positive disposition on life.

    16. The importance of learning from our failures.

    17. The importance of knowing one's self.

    18. The importance of owning up to your actions.

    19. The importance of being flexible and rolling with the punches.

    20. The importance of asking for help when you need it...

    21. ...because no one can succeed alone.