I'm Just A Lil' Shook That Kevin Jonas Juuls

    Sophie's influence.

    Yesterday, I was minding my own business, watching the Jonas Brothers documentary for the fourth time, when I noticed a lil' something...

    ...a little thing on the table in front of Kevin...

    ...is that...

    ...a JUUL?

    Why yes, yes it is. Kevin Jonas juuls.

    You're probably thinking, how do we know it's ACTUALLY a Juul? Well, I mean, 'cause it looks like a Juul.

    OK, but how do you know it's Kevin's? WELL, HERE'S A PIC OF THE JUUL IN QUESTION IN HIS HANDS!!

    Perchance juuling runs in the Jonas fam, 'cause we all know that Sophie is one with her Juul.

    More scientific evidence that it is, in fact, a Juul.

    Anotha one.

    What we learned in this very brief investigation: Kevin Jonas does, in fact, juul.